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Thumb pulling fucked my face


Jul 13, 2019
I had been thumb pulling for 2 weeks now
2 minutes every hour (approx 12-13 hour)
Result:- gummy smile and my chin looks more recessed, face longer. I swear its not placebo. What should i do need help please????
I had been thumb pulling for 2 weeks now
2 minutes every hour (approx 12-13 hour)
Result:- gummy smile and my chin looks more recessed, face longer. I swear its not placebo. What should i do need help please????
Do you have a dolichocephalic skull?
Yeah i believe
My guess is that you pushed your maxilla forward, if you have a dolichocephalic skull this would make the face longer unless you push your maxilla up as well.

The reason your chin looks more recessed now is because you pushed your maxilla forward but your lower jaw (mandible) stayed the same.

If i am not wrong your lower jaw will adapt to fit with your upper jaw, i guess what you need is to push your maxilla up but i cannot tell for sure.

Ask @Neo or @AstroSky tbh ngl

How old are you btw?
I had been thumb pulling for 2 weeks now
2 minutes every hour (approx 12-13 hour)
Result:- gummy smile and my chin looks more recessed, face longer. I swear its not placebo. What should i do need help please????
this makes zero sense if your pushing on the sides of your palate bro
this makes zero sense if your pushing on the sides of your palate bro
Makes sense to me, have you watched Astro video? He says to push through the whole palate, push up, push in the sides, push forward
My guess is that you pushed your maxilla forward, if you have a dolichocephalic skull this would make the face longer unless you push your maxilla up as well.

The reason your chin looks more recessed now is because you pushed your maxilla forward but your lower jaw (mandible) stayed the same.

If i am not wrong your lower jaw will adapt to fit with your upper jaw, i guess what you need is to push your maxilla up but i cannot tell for sure.

Ask @Neo or @AstroSky tbh ngl

How old are you btw?
Are you sure bro?
I am 20 btw
Makes sense to me, have you watched Astro video? He says to push through the whole palate, push up, push in the sides, push forward
gummy smiles only happen with downswings bro. @KiraX can u send some type of proof
Are you sure bro?
I am 20 btw
I would need to see before and after pics from front and side profile to be sure, but it's the only logical explanation i can think of.
Your delusional if you Think 2 weeks is enough to get any changes. Good or bad. Took me well over 2 months to even get one tooth in my smile and that was with obsessing over the pulling and pushing quite hard while tongue chewing.

I’m not doubting you but at the same time. The time frame doesn’t work for your favour. Your seeing things
But i have noticed that my
a picture of a smile
I’m dead serious 2 weeks won’t result in any changes. Your either doing it wrong ORRR your seeing things. You haven’t even provided pictures. Even if you do. Can we be sure it’s the result of your “thumb pulling” or simply something that’s always been there but now that your focused on that area your just now seeing how bad your smile is

Also I did say at your own risk. This thumbpulling stuff isn’t exactly studied. I got a better smile but It also made my lower jaw more backwards looking at first. It does take time for your jaw to catch up.

Once it does you will look better. But it takes just as long as it took for your upper to expand as your lower to upswing

If it takes you 1 year to expand maxilla. It will take around that much for your jaw to finally align again. But that’s limited too. Jaw has a limit how far it can move.

No way around it brother. Takes time and you better take your time doing it as it results in less issues. The longer it takes.

Fast results mean more risks
Love you man have sex with me :)
So it means it is normal for your jaw more backward for a while?
Your face was fucked to begin with.
Btw what is a gummy smile?