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Tips for binge eaters?

OMAD, eat 1500 calories a day with 75+ grams of protein and go on walks often. You’ll build discipline easily and lose weight. Don’t eat junk food at all, it causes sugary craving by eating junk food in itself.
I don’t live alone and my family eats pretty unhealthy. I also work around food and because it’s free and easily accessible, I tend to give in
So do I and I’ve been eating low calories without any junk food, 0 cheat days or meals for 2 straight months now. I told you it’s about routine, do OMAD and eat 1500-1800 calories with 75+ grams of protein and you’ll be fine.
In order to lose weight, my calorie calculator says I should eat 1,200-1,700 cals a day but unfortunately I binge eat, lack discipline, and can’t eat healthy to save my life. What are some tips to force myself to not eat and have discipline?
literally just dont starve yourself the more u do u will keep the binge restrict cycle going on for longer
eat full meals or eat whenever u feel hungry and stop when ur full
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