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Discussion to people getting lean currently: favorite meal?


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2024
for me i’ve been really enjoying waking up and just cooking 2-3 eggs with servings of egg whites to get the healthy fats and protein in with low cal bread slices on the side for some carbs before the gym.
I like the eggs meal too, I also enjoy greek yogurt with some blueberries

honestly chicken and rice is a staple

also olive oil, butter, nuts, avocado for some fat

I also eat a lot of red meat and dairy, but that’s more for development and stuff so it’s not necessarily especially for getting lean

honestly the biggest thing I need to work on is snacking, the meals I am fine with but I sometimes get snacks that don’t follow my goals, mostly when I have been away from home for a few hours and need something to eat
today i had salad, meat with white rice (ik white is unhealthy)
also i had greek yogurt with strawberries
yummy dark chocolate
the rest of what i ate was unhealthy tbh
favorite lean meal would be all of this eaten in one go:
-salad (for the taste, but i add nutritious stuff like avocado and cheese to it)
-white rice with eggs and raw salmon or chicken
-greek yogurt smoothie with fruit (ran out of protein powder atm, but if possible will add)
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  • #8
I like the eggs meal too, I also enjoy greek yogurt with some blueberries

honestly chicken and rice is a staple

also olive oil, butter, nuts, avocado for some fat

I also eat a lot of red meat and dairy, but that’s more for development and stuff so it’s not necessarily especially for getting lean

honestly the biggest thing I need to work on is snacking, the meals I am fine with but I sometimes get snacks that don’t follow my goals, mostly when I have been away from home for a few hours and need something to eat
greek yogurt and fruit never goes wrong😍
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  • #9
today i had salad, meat with white rice (ik white is unhealthy)
also i had greek yogurt with strawberries
yummy dark chocolate
the rest of what i ate was unhealthy tbh
favorite lean meal would be all of this eaten in one go:
-salad (for the taste, but i add nutritious stuff like avocado and cheese to it)
-white rice with eggs and raw salmon or chicken
-greek yogurt smoothie with fruit (ran out of protein powder atm, but if possible will add)
for me i’ve been really enjoying waking up and just cooking 2-3 eggs with servings of egg whites to get the healthy fats and protein in with low cal bread slices on the side for some carbs before the gym.
Im currently getting fat. Enjoying cheesecake, Burger King, bean/beef burritos, rainbow trout, and ice cream.
today i had salad, meat with white rice (ik white is unhealthy)
also i had greek yogurt with strawberries
yummy dark chocolate
the rest of what i ate was unhealthy tbh
favorite lean meal would be all of this eaten in one go:
-salad (for the taste, but i add nutritious stuff like avocado and cheese to it)
-white rice with eggs and raw salmon or chicken
-greek yogurt smoothie with fruit (ran out of protein powder atm, but if possible will add)
Pretty sure that dark chocolate is not healthy at all and it's just not as unhealthy as other types of chocolate
Pretty sure that dark chocolate is not healthy at all and it's just not as unhealthy as other types of chocolate
yes i have a very bad sweet tooth, even mere fruits and yogurt cannot satiate it, so id rather eat as healthy as possible even if its still not healthy at all

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