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Today i start d3+k2 journey // improvements


Jul 5, 2019
I've bought d3+k2 suppliment(mk-7) dose 50 mcg. Here i wanna tell you about my improvement in skull.
After 2 week here will be my next post with improvements that i noticed.
I think it will be interesting for u, guys <3
Also i know where to buy natural cottage cheese and milk. I from Ukraine. At local market squart old grannys sell it. There is a lot of that stuff.
Eating cottage cheese for 2 month with hard mewing and some bonesmash gave me better lower jaw and very sexy improved my maxilla. My face become bigger and more chisseled.
Let's go
I gonna be new Astro sky 🤣
My K2 MK4 dose is 300x more MCG than your taking
50mcg is absolutely nothing. you need to be taking that shit in the dozens of mg at the very least
K2 is fine but megadosing doesn't do shit at all and that's a fact. Don't become a supplementdependentcel
Holy fuck. Maybe it is placebo effect but lower jaw started to look some wider and bigger than week ago. In midface any noticable changes now but my cheeks are hard enough from both sides. Maxilla triangle and zygo are good visible in light. Overall face looks more structirised. Keep moving and mewing :)
Holy fuck. Maybe it is placebo effect but lower jaw started to look some wider and bigger than week ago. In midface any noticable changes now but my cheeks are hard enough from both sides. Maxilla triangle and zygo are good visible in light. Overall face looks more structirised. Keep moving and mewing

that's pretty crazy if you're seeing results only after 1 week, keep us updated
to the touch bones at my face much harder than week ago(especially zygomatic bones)
keep doing that shit it seems to be legit
it's not even close to legit. the only reason people think it works is because they went on wikipedia and read this exact words:
MK-4 has a protective effect on bone mineral density and reduced risk of hip, vertebral and non-vertebral fractures.[7] These effects appear to be accentuated when combined with vitamin D and in the setting of osteoporosis.

and made assumptions like a bunch of retards they are. K2 is good but taking more than you need will not do anything

The only way to get stronger bones is trough controlled bonesmashing and weight lifting and that is a proven fact.

Also the only easily accessible drug I know of that can possibly increase bone density is Flurbiprofen