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Tough food and or gum


Jul 6, 2019
So literally been chewing 10 pieces of falim gum nearly everyday and dont feel anything in my Jaw muscles

Any advice on where to find some even toughter gum or just tough food
Eating harder foods and putting your gum in the fridge. Be careful of over-chewing though and causing TMJ
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Tried putting gum in the fridge, helped for like the first few seconds of chewing then whent back to normal
do short very quick chew movements while your mouth is closed as opposed to opening you mouth wide and chewing the gum hard

the growth you will find depends on the type of fibers in your masseters which is pretty variable. type 1 fibers require you to chew for a very long period of time as opposed to chewing hard and have low potential to get bigger

type 2 fibers require you to chew hard for short periods of time and have the potential to get pretty huge

you probably have a lot of type 1 fibers which will require you to chew a whole lot and will give minimal gains
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  • #8
do short very quick chew movements while your mouth is closed as opposed to opening you mouth wide and chewing the gum hard

the growth you will find depends on the type of fibers in your masseters which is pretty variable. type 1 fibers require you to chew for a very long period of time as opposed to chewing hard and have low potential to get bigger

type 2 fibers require you to chew hard for short periods of time and have the potential to get pretty huge

you probably have a lot of type 1 fibers which will require you to chew a whole lot and will give minimal gains
Thanks for the reply, Will definitely try to chew Harder for short periods, learned something new today :D

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