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Experience Ultimate blackpill truth. Even a serial killer will get women more wet that u. (For all the sub5 bluepillers)

i read a study where high % women are interested in truecrime and violent 🌽, as well as serial killer fangirls, might have to do with that
If u have this gods face if u are or not a psychopath girl will like u and
i read a study where high % women are interested in truecrime and violent 🌽, as well as serial killer fangirls, might have to do with that
This is true so its even better fro gl bad men
Does dahmer mog him in appeal?
he looked conventionally attractive n dimorphic along w having a unique look, wasted potential.
he looked conventionally attractive n dimorphic along w having a unique look, wasted potential.
There’s no wasted potential, he was terminally insane and his features reflected that
fym terminally insane its fatal to him or sm 💀
Ramirez was terminally insane and it was ultimately fatal to him yes
ok, still died of cancer boyo
No shit, but his downfall was his brain. You really call prison his life? He could have died right there entering prison and it would not have changed anything
It is as a mental disorder
Only in some cases however, not in his but he was extremely insane leading to his life being ruined
he looked conventionally attractive n dimorphic along w having a unique look, wasted potential.
True. He was ogrefied by prison and drug abuse. he was such a waste of potential and def could've been a model with his own look. Lets imagine he went down the model route and his family wasn't abusive and instead rich. The cosmetics would go crazy