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Guide Ultimate Jaw guide

Aug 26, 2019
The most impressive ascensions I personally have ever seen are from a wider jaw.

Well, to get a wider jaw surgery is your best bet, ngl but its also risky and expensive.
Our jaws have become beta, cucky and weak. Just walk around the streets and most people run around with smaller jaws than steve from american dad jfl.

So how can we get that nice strong Stan jawline?

Well, what the propaganda sells us today is all processed food, who is gonna get a strong jaw from a burger? We have become fags and one reason as to why is our soft nutrition, it has made us soft. So one possibility to get a stronger jaw:

Chew hard, unprocessed meat, nuts, old bread, all masculine alpha things chad could destroy within seconds with alpha jaw.


A strong jaw looks more masculine and is one of the few non-negotiable features of male aesthetics. I have never seen a model with weak jaw, but I have seen recessed maxillas, bad UEA, bulbuous nose...

But weak jaw kills your looks.

Second way would be to chew gum, but dont even bother with fgt mainstream bullshit, they are soft to appeal to children, not men.

Chew real mastic gum from greece, only problem is its pretty expensive. I used to pay around 170€ a year for mastic, it was worth it tho! But I found a cheaper alternative so keep reading and dont be one of those "tldnrd" fags.

Next possibility is with a plastuc gum.

Yeah I know sound like BS and they mostly are. Maybe you have heard about fucking
Jawzrsize, here you chew with your canines which completely fucks up your jaw and can chip your teeth, they just make crazy amount of fgt marketing propaganda.

Now, I tried a new thing called jawliner, those gums are stronger than fzcking mastic will ever be and there are some crazy transformations


Call ms stupid but I literally believe for some this thing can move them up like 1PSL. (only if your jaw was rather weak to begin with obv)

Helped me as long midface cel to get a wider face so my fwhr aint that fucked up.

Also this shit is crazy cheap, I paid like 20$

Too long didnt read:

If you dont have this jaw your not looksmaxing
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the link didnt work, here again

the right thing is what i tried. its crazy for your jaw, but mine went broke after only 2 months. still better than that f*g chisell and jawzrsize shit
the link didnt work, here again

the right thing is what i tried. its crazy for your jaw, but mine went broke after only 2 months. still better than that f*g chisell and jawzrsize shit
The PICTURES didn't work you r****d, just link muh product, and buy it. That's what happens when you copy/paste another thread you dumbass