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Upper Facial Index - An alternative to FWHR

the next o'pry

Active member
Jul 15, 2019
read this article first

in other words FWHR is just a modern re-branding of the upper facial index invented by anthropologists in the 1800s.

The way to measure upper facial index is nasion-prosthion measurement X 100 / bizygomatic breadth.


U.F.I. - 44.9 = hypereuryene (very short-/broad-upper-faced)
U.F.I. 45.0 - 49.9 = euryene (short-/broad-upper-faced)
U.F.I. 50.0 - 54.9 = mesene (of moderate upper facial form)
U.F.I. 55.0 - 55.9 = leptene (long-/narrow-upper-faced)
U.F.I. 60.0 - = hyperleptene (very long-/narrow-upper-faced)

So if you have a nasion-prosthion height of 77mm and a bizygomatic breadth of 145mm:

77 x 100 / 145 = 53.3 or moderate upper facial form (mesene)
Don't you have a compact midface?
compact midface is cope. the best look for a face is to have your chin square and directly under your lips as opposed to 10 miles from them like on my face
i didnt read but im sure it is as you are very high IQ and i trust your judgement
thank you men, well in my opinion is easy because fwhr you need a software and a picture to measure but I don't trust pictures because is so easy to get a different result by faking angles. and I try this method and I believe is legit
thank you men, well in my opinion is easy because fwhr you need a software and a picture to measure but I don't trust pictures because is so easy to get a different result by faking angles. and I try this method and I believe is legit
u measured with a meter line? whats ur fwhr
compact midface is cope. the best look for a face is to have your chin square and directly under your lips as opposed to 10 miles from them like on my face
nick is your chin recessed?
46.4 Euryene. Keep crying for me...

(6.5/14) x 100
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