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Info wanna become pretty? fix your thyroid

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hormone deficiency causes delayed craniofacial and tooth development, dysplastic facial features and delayed development of the ossicles, orbital bones,
Too expensive
Not available everywhere (prolly)

and other important attributes to facial development.

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this is why selenium is considered the beauty mineral, because selenium directly impacts thyroid production -> better thyroid production = more T3 = more developed skull and facial features.

-sprouted brazil nuts (with butter to prevent phytic acid from chelating/limiting mineral absorption)
Why not just take Linorma
View attachment 31431

hormone deficiency causes delayed craniofacial and tooth development, dysplastic facial features and delayed development of the ossicles, orbital bones, and other important attributes to facial development.

View attachment 31430

this is why selenium is considered the beauty mineral, because selenium directly impacts thyroid production -> better thyroid production = more T3 = more developed skull and facial features.

-sprouted brazil nuts (with butter to prevent phytic acid from chelating/limiting mineral absorption)
If you are under the age of 18 I can see how doing eating this might help, but I feel like if your over 18 it wont do much for your skulls development or facial features cause your basically already developed right. Obviously its good to get proper nutrients regardless of age though