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Wassup n*****s


I think therefore I am
Mar 31, 2024
Hi current stats:
Height: 5'4 race: Brown, ethnic Face: Rated LTN IQ: Ehh alright could be better Dick size: 4.4 inches lenght x 4 inches girth

I'm a stone cold truecel, KHHV since I was born
Hi current stats:
Height: 5'4 race: Brown, ethnic Face: Rated LTN IQ: Ehh alright could be better Dick size: 4.4 inches lenght x 4 inches girth

I'm a stone cold truecel, KHHV since I was born
how old are you
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #21
Moneymaxx is your only option so
To become a betabuxx with a dead bedroom? I would rather become an escortcel with an AI gf than a walking ATM who gets abused and treated like shit because I'm a subhuman. Imma rot until 25 then rope or die somewhere in a 3rd world country

To become a betabuxx with a dead bedroom? I would rather become an escortcel with an AI gf than a walking ATM who gets abused and treated like shit because I'm a subhuman. Imma rot until 25 then rope or die somewhere in a 3rd world country

View attachment 32263
My advice as a girl rather than as a looksmaxxer is just find a girl shorter than you that has really low standards, when of my friends is 4'11 or 5'0 and her ex-boyfriend was 5'3. before you say "ex boyfriend", he broke up with her.

He was broke and like high mtn facially but he was very neuro typical. Ik you guys don't like hearing this but personalitymaxxing is real and effective.
To become a betabuxx with a dead bedroom? I would rather become an escortcel with an AI gf than a walking ATM who gets abused and treated like shit because I'm a subhuman. Imma rot until 25 then rope or die somewhere in a 3rd world country

View attachment 32263
time to laosmaxx
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