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what’s the ideal d size

All fake 4.2 is Law
I think Michael Myers aka Gengar is the biggest cock enthusiast on .org so we should probably listen to his opinion. Read every word in this thread if want a better understanding. The world record for the biggest, functional cock is 13 inches.

TLDR 7x5 to 8x6 is ideal. Any length past 7 is ok, girth really depends on the girl, if she's experienced or not, but 5.5 inches is probably ideal.
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EQ, upward or downward curvature, stamina & oral/fingering sex techniques are important as well, if not more important that the actual size in some situations.

But the bigger is better, with all the things mentioned above. PE is a part of Looksmaxxing, you'll always been see as attractive if you pack and can fuck with intensity/dominance
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