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What’s the one mistake in life you wish you could take back

I got mocked by my peers when I said that we shouldn't watch porn at 13
Ended up looking it up to fit in, and fell into the abyss
I hate myself for being so weak under social pressure
This is so real actually, @Incognito my greatest wish would’ve been to have never seen porn
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  • #52
I got mocked by my peers when I said that we shouldn't watch porn at 13
Ended up looking it up to fit in, and fell into the abyss
I hate myself for being so weak under social pressure
This one’s both life changing and sad: don’t fall for peer pressure.
i regret many things, a major one is basically starving myself/heavily restricting myself to the point i no longer cared about anything else but being skinny, all i thought about was food, i turned into a nasty and judgmental person. eventually i broke down and got a binge-restrict eating problem. i didn’t see anyone for months, i was embarrassed of what i had become. i had gained a ton of weight in such little time due to my binging, at one point i was throwing up my food. i do feel that if i hadn’t gone through that i wouldn’t be where i am now, healthy, strong, and feeling much better than before. i look back at that time and feel so bad for my past self.
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  • #57
i regret many things, a major one is basically starving myself/heavily restricting myself to the point i no longer cared about anything else but being skinny, all i thought about was food, i turned into a nasty and judgmental person. eventually i broke down and got a binge-restrict eating problem. i didn’t see anyone for months, i was embarrassed of what i had become. i had gained a ton of weight in such little time due to my binging, at one point i was throwing up my food. i do feel that if i hadn’t gone through that i wouldn’t be where i am now, healthy, strong, and feeling much better than before. i look back at that time and feel so bad for my past self.
How did the obsession with becoming skinny start?
i regret many things, a major one is basically starving myself/heavily restricting myself to the point i no longer cared about anything else but being skinny, all i thought about was food, i turned into a nasty and judgmental person. eventually i broke down and got a binge-restrict eating problem. i didn’t see anyone for months, i was embarrassed of what i had become. i had gained a ton of weight in such little time due to my binging, at one point i was throwing up my food. i do feel that if i hadn’t gone through that i wouldn’t be where i am now, healthy, strong, and feeling much better than before. i look back at that time and feel so bad for my past self.
Nice job bud I’m proud of you, were you super fat and got bullied for it?
How did the obsession with becoming skinny start?
i had just always been jealous of the skinny girls i would see at school, online, etc. i wanted to be like them, i would think that if i was just skinny i would look better and attract someone. i was obsessed with one day having a very apparent ribcage and chest bones. the reality is that i just looked worse. i looked pale, dull, dead, and on top of that i was always angry. even my mom was absolutely fed up me. my insecurities grew stronger the more the weight came off, i also felt fatter the more weight came off.
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  • #61
i had just always been jealous of the skinny girls i would see at school, online, etc. i wanted to like them, i would think that if i was just skinny i would look better and attract someone. i was obsessed with one day having a very apparent ribcage and chest bones. the reality is that i just looked worse. i looked pale, dull, dead, and on top of that i was always angry. even my mom was absolutely fed up me. my insecurities grew stronger the more the weight came off, i also felt fatter the more weight came off.
That's why I say social media and all these unrealistic standards are fake and dangerous. But it's all good; it pushed you to hit the gym and build a great body and booty. Now you're really healthy.
That's why I say social media and all these unrealistic standards are fake and dangerous. But it's all good; it pushed you to hit the gym and build a great body and booty. Now you're really healthy.
yep exactly. i had to delete twitter bc of the eating disorder things i followed and interacted with and block tiktok and instagram accounts that were influencing me in that way. now i just follow fitness girls that eat well and some that have gone through the same as me.
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  • #66
yep exactly. i had to delete twitter bc of the eating disorder things i followed and interacted with and block tiktok and instagram accounts that were influencing me in that way. now i just follow fitness girls that eat well and some that have gone through the same as me.
You were on those forums for anorexia?
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  • #70
Can't get hard without stroking type shit
You need to avoid any possible mental and physical stimulation. You'll have to reset your receptors and the nerves in the genital area and how they respond to touch.
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  • #74
I don't get aroused jfl, fml

So basically avoid any pornographic material (even though I don't get aroused or nun) and avoid masturbation

Yes, it means steering clear of any stimulating contact with your genitalia.
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  • #77
Too late my brain will never be the same. I'm trying to be good person but I think it will never be genuine and I really despise that about me
You're a good guy, Choripan. You've been a victim of a cruel and degenerate world, but remember, change is always possible.
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  • #80
there are no regrets
every little event has shaped my life and who we are
its not good to dwell, but ocassionally to reflect and learn
Always the cunning fox with a tongue as long as a cow’s, aren’t you? :wesmart:
Porn and desire to fit in didn't shaped me, it destroyed me, I'll never be shaped into a good sculpture ever
dont let the past drag you down and entirely define you
dont forget the past, but live in the present and focus on crafting your future, your decisions today
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  • #88
Yeah bud and imma regret it since I start school tomorrow at 8am and need to wake up at 6am fuck man do you also have 8am-6pm school days in the Netherlands?
Yeah 8:30-5pm mostly. All praise to god I will just be sleeping tomorrow. Good life shit.
dont let the past drag you down and entirely define you
dont forget the past, but live in the present and focus on crafting your future, your decisions today
I don't let it define me, it just feels weird, I don't understand it enough to know how to explain it but is like trying to be better but deep down feeling something is off and doubting if it would ever feel right
Doesn't CS pay good?
The tech job market is fucked, it might hve it's ebbs and flows but it ultimately only gets worse from here

outsourcing and the h1b scam bringing in poojeets and g***s for cheap hve absolutely obliterated American tech workers, AI is a contributing factor too but it's mostly used as a scapegoat
there are no regrets
every little event has shaped my life and who we are
its not good to dwell, but ocassionally to reflect and learn
This is exactly how I view it in my perspective. I don't regret anything, because my exact position in life today is a reflection of what I've been through.
Whether it's something small or life changing, let's hear it.
I really can't say there are any. Maybe the way I've treated some people. I've been mean to a lot of people but there are a few that I was mean to for no good reason. Mainly when I was a kid.

One time when I was maybe 8 years old another boy and I tied up a kid and tourmented him for about an hour. The three of us had been playing together nicely at first on these hay bails, then all of a sudden Mark and I turned on the other boy. I can't remember who's idea it was but we used the twine that holds the bails together to tie his hands behind his back. We didn't have to beat him up or anything. He just kind of went along with it but after we tied his hands we started jumping on him. I think the boy thought we were gonna kill him or something now that I think back on it because it was very weird how he acted. He didn't protest or anything. He asked to be let go but he didn't beg or anything when we told him no. Now I'm very sure he was petrified, but he must have thought we would kill him or something if he cried or begged. He just laid there in the ground and kept quiet for the most part as we jumped on him periodically and discussed what to do with him. At one point Mark took off his shoes and told me to throw them in a pond behind the fence. I took them behind the fence and just hid them. After about an hour we united him, gave him his shoes back, and let him go. He went back and told his mother who told our parents. We got scolded but not in much more trouble than that. I don't think the boy was able to articulate how scared he actually was.

Anyways, this is a memory I almost forgot about but this thread made me recall. Like I said I was about 8 and my friend Mark was one year ahead of me. We'd known eachother for a couple years already but the kid we tied up after playing with we'd only met that day. He was about the exact same age as us. I just thought of it as a slightly cruel game, but I didn't realize at the time how absolutely terrified the kid really was.
Getting rhino and spending a lot of money on random shit

Should’ve gotten jaw implants and middle third soft tissue work instead

Rhino and random shit is cool, but I could’ve ascended so hard
Not being friends with a girl who liked me cuz i thought she was faking everythign
Damn i probbaly wouldn't be such a llifeless rotter if she was beside me fr.
I gooned to my literature teacher, til this day I’m ashamed of that act and it hunts me everywhere I go. For the rest of the year I couldn’t look at her face without feeling remorse and horny. I’m pretty sure she caught me staring at her ass multiple times. Brutal days man, she was 27yo light skin with blue eyes
I would pay to smash my english teacher ngl

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