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What’s the one mistake in life you wish you could take back

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  • #102
I really can't say there are any. Maybe the way I've treated some people. I've been mean to a lot of people but there are a few that I was mean to for no good reason. Mainly when I was a kid.

One time when I was maybe 8 years old another boy and I tied up a kid and tourmented him for about an hour. The three of us had been playing together nicely at first on these hay bails, then all of a sudden Mark and I turned on the other boy. I can't remember who's idea it was but we used the twine that holds the bails together to tie his hands behind his back. We didn't have to beat him up or anything. He just kind of went along with it but after we tied his hands we started jumping on him. I think the boy thought we were gonna kill him or something now that I think back on it because it was very weird how he acted. He didn't protest or anything. He asked to be let go but he didn't beg or anything when we told him no. Now I'm very sure he was petrified, but he must have thought we would kill him or something if he cried or begged. He just laid there in the ground and kept quiet for the most part as we jumped on him periodically and discussed what to do with him. At one point Mark took off his shoes and told me to throw them in a pond behind the fence. I took them behind the fence and just hid them. After about an hour we united him, gave him his shoes back, and let him go. He went back and told his mother who told our parents. We got scolded but not in much more trouble than that. I don't think the boy was able to articulate how scared he actually was.

Anyways, this is a memory I almost forgot about but this thread made me recall. Like I said I was about 8 and my friend Mark was one year ahead of me. We'd known eachother for a couple years already but the kid we tied up after playing with we'd only met that day. He was about the exact same age as us. I just thought of it as a slightly cruel game, but I didn't realize at the time how absolutely terrified the kid really was.
Bro you gave that guy a trauma 😭
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  • #103
Getting rhino and spending a lot of money on random shit

Should’ve gotten jaw implants and middle third soft tissue work instead

Rhino and random shit is cool, but I could’ve ascended so hard
Any plans for the future
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  • #107
Trying to be liked by everyone
That's a common mistake, allowing others to control your life based on their perception of you. Instead of wondering, Do they like me? ask yourself, Are they worthy of my approval? Let them prove themselves to you.
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  • #112
Gonna do aligners that month, fix my bite and then do jaw implant and middle third soft tissue work

All doable in Russia, so not gonna be expensive. Will make enough money while having aligners on

High htn-low CL in two years incoming
That’s dedication

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