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what are universally attractive traits in women?

"purity"... Should be self explanatory.

If her purity is 5/10 then she should be 10/10 looks wise, if her purity is 10/10 then she can be 5/10 looks wise, this is assuming women with purity score less than 5/10 are trash, low purity (under 5/10) would be things like cheating, high body count, sexually free, engaging in extreme sexually degrading acts with people she barely knows, prone to "behavior" when drunk or high (and blaming the substance) like giving blowjobs to random men, having "open" relationships, has been filmed in porn videos, is a prostitute.

The bottom line is most "good" men aren't going to want some dirty sl*t.
Does the one inch punch actually work from your experience
not in real fights u would try to take stance and someone will slap u

its powerful
its all in hips and torso
"purity"... Should be self explanatory.

If her purity is 5/10 then she should be 10/10 looks wise, if her purity is 10/10 then she can be 5/10 looks wise, this is assuming women with purity score less than 5/10 are trash, low purity (under 5/10) would be things like cheating, high body count, sexually free, engaging in extreme sexually degrading acts with people she barely knows, prone to "behavior" when drunk or high (and blaming the substance) like giving blowjobs to random men, having "open" relationships, has been filmed in porn videos, is a prostitute.

The bottom line is most "good" men aren't going to want some dirty sl*t.
I don't think it matters how good looking or hot a chick is. The purity standard should be the same across the board. Girls of different calibers lack purity for different reasons. Ugly girls a lot of times get passed around because they lack validation while hot ones do it for fun and out of subliminal peer pressure from other chicks. It's all disgusting. I'd even dare to say that it's worse for a man tolerate a lack of purity from a girl just because she's hot than it is for a man who would tolerate it from any kind of girl. Makes him an even bigger schmuck.