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what are your experiences


worst anorexic ever
Sep 13, 2024
What are your experiences with keto/ low carb paired with intermittent fasting?
if you're not a fan of either, what are your preferred dieting methods?
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  • #5
It's essentially starving your body
well, if you get the nutrients you need in the eating window I don't think so? its basically producing ketones while your body is in the fasting state which burns fat, and ofc like you're gonna eat at some point right? idk just a thought
What are your experiences with keto/ low carb paired with intermittent fasting?
if you're not a fan of either, what are your preferred dieting methods?
My mother's on that shit, keto. Fat as hell in her late 50's. Apparently doesn't work.
well, if you get the nutrients you need in the eating window I don't think so? its basically producing ketones while your body is in the fasting state which burns fat, and ofc like you're gonna eat at some point right? idk just a thought
It's still stressing your body, you should eat when you want to and consume satiating food. That will work better than any intermittent fasting
Eat whole foods and move your ass it's not that hard. If you are not a high performing athlete you don't need a diet.
Americans are so fucking retards in terms of eating they can't just eat normal they need to either eat shit or eat stupid diets.
Eat whole foods and move your ass it's not that hard. If you are not a high performing athlete you don't need a diet.
Americans are so fucking retards in terms of eating they can't just eat normal they need to either eat shit or eat stupid diets.
You clearly don't understand the standard American diet, all of our what you would consider normal foods are loaded with crap. Eating raw meat is law in any country regardless
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  • #13
It's still stressing your body, you should eat when you want to and consume satiating food. That will work better than any intermittent fasting
makes sense, I was thinking about doing like smaller more frequent meals throughout the day to avoid binge urges.
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  • #14
Eat whole foods and move your ass it's not that hard. If you are not a high performing athlete you don't need a diet.
Americans are so fucking retards in terms of eating they can't just eat normal they need to either eat shit or eat stupid diets.
diet just refers to what you eat in general, doesn't mean restriction
You clearly don't understand the standard American diet, all of our what you would consider normal foods are loaded with crap. Eating raw meat is law in any country regardless
Yeah I'm south American here we produce the food we eat. Wait Americans also do that. Just buy organic foods if your companies are so irregulated.
makes sense, I was thinking about doing like smaller more frequent meals throughout the day to avoid binge urges.
Just eat more satiating foods, you don't need to change how frequent your meals are
Yeah I'm south American here we produce the food we eat. Wait Americans also do that. Just buy organic foods if your companies are so irregulated.
Organic foods are often also crap jfl. Our pollution, water, and other poisons are also significantly worse.
Organic foods are often also crap jfl. Our pollution, water, and other poisons are also significantly worse.
But why raw though? If you cook you kill most of the bad things a food can have. You do kill nutrients too but isn't it worth it?
But why raw though? If you cook you kill most of the bad things a food can have. You do kill nutrients too but isn't it worth it?
Depends. If you can get meat from a healthy animal and don't eat any of those bad parts or parts that don't look appetizing naturally then you will be fine
Depends. If you can get meat from a healthy animal and don't eat any of those bad parts or parts that don't look appetizing naturally then you will be fine
The thing is that our intestines are too long compared to carnivores. I didn't researched enough tho but I genuinely don't understand the obsession with eating raw.
Talking about extremes all Americans seems to be extreme vegans or extreme raw meat eaters. Why?
The thing is that our intestines are too long compared to carnivores. I didn't researched enough tho but I genuinely don't understand the obsession with eating raw.
Talking about extremes all Americans seems to be extreme vegans or extreme raw meat eaters. Why?
<too long
Yea, we are opportunistic hunter-gatherers. We are built to consume anything that will keep us alive. However, we are most optimally built for consuming meat in terms of health and digestion.
<obsession with eating raw
You can avoid the carcinogens in cooked meat and access water-soluble vitamins and full nutrients
<extremes all Americans
I'm probably the only American on this forum that believes in it, as @N30N is Canadian and some other advocates of it are from Brazil and Europe. It is true though that Americans tend to be more extremely plant based or muh cooked meat only, which neither are healthy or sustainable.
It's probably a mechanism to cope with the dogshit state of American food and health.
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  • #26
The thing is that our intestines are too long compared to carnivores. I didn't researched enough tho but I genuinely don't understand the obsession with eating raw.
Talking about extremes all Americans seems to be extreme vegans or extreme raw meat eaters. Why?
I think the best thing Americans can do is own their own livestock and garden. avoid mass produced food products as much as possible imo?
I think the best thing Americans can do is own their own livestock and garden. avoid mass produced food products as much as possible imo?
Livestock and live rurally is the best option. Although for kids they need to consume high protein high sugar high calcium
<too long
Yea, we are opportunistic hunter-gatherers. We are built to consume anything that will keep us alive. However, we are most optimally built for consuming meat in terms of health and digestion.
<obsession with eating raw
You can avoid the carcinogens and cooked meat and access water-soluble vitamins and full nutrients
<extremes all Americans
I'm probably the only American on this forum that believes in it, as @N30N is Canadian and some other advocates of it are from Brazil and Europe. It is true though that Americans tend to be more extremely plant based or muh cooked meat only, which neither are healthy or sustainable.
It's probably a mechanism to cope with the dogshit state of American food and health.
Did the west fallen then?
Did the west fallen then?
Pretty much, except we will keep getting taller due to availability of sugar and food in general. Our faces will become more ugly overtime if we don't eat healthy while reproducing though
W height L inbreeding in the southeast
Our height still might not increase though at the same time? People will be introduced to a lot more estrogenic foods leading to imbalanced hormones. Countries like the Netherlands and Balkans know the value of meat which we are regressing from, but we could totally become a heightmogger country based off the availability of food alone.

We also have a lot of immigrants, who often lower the height average.
Our height still might not increase though at the same time? People will be introduced to a lot more estrogenic foods leading to imbalanced hormones. Countries like the Netherlands and Balkans know the value of meat which we are regressing from, but we could totally become a heightmogger country based off the availability of food alone.

We also have a lot of immigrants, who often lower the height average.
companies want to make America a femboy country?
Yeah, specifically height. Eating like this will fuck you over.
You could skip the sugar as well by just eating meat and dairy products but sugar is much more effective for height
You could skip the sugar as well by just eating meat and dairy products but sugar is much more effective for height
Or get your sugar naturally, in smaller amounts.
neither matter, do what works best for you.
i used to do IF, 16/8. was very consistent for many months, it just puts you in a caloric deficit since you put yourself into a certain eating window. there is no REAL difference, it’s simply a caloric deficit. if it works for you then do that.
as for keto, i find it stupid. people who say it works are simply in a caloric deficit. all these diets ‘work’ because it cuts out entire food groups and puts you in a caloric deficit.
my diet consists of mainly whole foods, i do have processed foods like protein bars or white bread which is fine. i eat high protein, 140g a day. its a bit much but i really enjoy eating steak and eggs daily which makes my protein intake high. i fill the rest of my calories up with fats and carbs. i eat lots of bread on my gym days. no one should be afraid of consuming any kind of food unless the overconsumption of it causes harm. ultra processed foods should be avoided obviously but not something to be deathly afraid of.
What are your experiences with keto/ low carb paired with intermittent fasting?
if you're not a fan of either, what are your preferred dieting methods?
Depends on ur ghrelin receptor, if you're really into improving your health theres no one diet that fits everything as your genes will determine what foods and protein, etc may be beneficial for you. I reccommend taking a detailed ancestry test as that would really give you an outline for a diet.
