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Discussion What causes a small chin?


New member
Apr 23, 2020
Correct tongue posture has more to do with your midface and forward projection of your jaw than the size of the chin itself. While mouth breathing / incorrect tongue posture can destroy your midface and jaw projection, I don’t see how it can affect the size of one’s chin. Chewing hard foods will only cause your masseters to grow, which will make your jaw wider, but doesn’t really do much for your chin. Is it determined solely by prenatal/pubertal testosterone and are chin implants to only way to fix it?
Correct tongue posture has more to do with your midface and forward projection of your jaw than the size of the chin itself. While mouth breathing / incorrect tongue posture can destroy your midface and jaw projection, I don’t see how it can affect the size of one’s chin. Chewing hard foods will only cause your masseters to grow, which will make your jaw wider, but doesn’t really do much for your chin. Is it determined solely by prenatal/pubertal testosterone and are chin implants to only way to fix it?
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If you had lower jaw braces when you were a teen, it’s over
Correct tongue posture has more to do with your midface and forward projection of your jaw than the size of the chin itself. While mouth breathing / incorrect tongue posture can destroy your midface and jaw projection, I don’t see how it can affect the size of one’s chin. Chewing hard foods will only cause your masseters to grow, which will make your jaw wider, but doesn’t really do much for your chin. Is it determined solely by prenatal/pubertal testosterone and are chin implants to only way to fix it?

low prenatal and pubertal T
Genes and not having correct oral posture during childhood.
TBH it's mostly if not all genetics. Maybe mewing could give you better projection, but as for shape, size, and width it was all determined the moment your father's sperm met your mother's egg.
depends what you mean by small chin.

do you mean a chin which lacks forward projection or a chin which lacks height.

i guess a big factor for both of these is genetic, although most of my family have short recessed chins whereas i have a tall recessed chin.

maybe lack of forward projection is caused by leaning on your chin, ive heard people say this before but i dont know if it is true.

lack of height can be caused by teeth grinding , if you grind you teeth together regularly over a long period of time it reduces your teeth height so when you place your teeth together your chin and lower third looks shorter.

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