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Discussion what features do you considera failo?

the next o'pry

Active member
Jul 15, 2019
Im gonna give you some examples
thin lips

incel nose
1566265487589.png 1566265675675.png

incel ears

the last two does not matter unless they are legit turbo incel tier
for example gandy have a bad nose but it doesn't affect his attractiveness

what other features do you consider a failo?
lack of browridge

COMPLETE lack of browridge
also i think thin lips like in the picture below are really good. most people that I know with high T faces have it:

what other features do you consider a failo?
I had the same thread idea as you but you beat me i Wii say nct because you must have very narrow and long eyes To compensate a bit but it over for the hunter eye unless maybe if it's your unique falw and evrything around in this area is perfect but for sure over for chad eyes imo+ it s a sign of poor zygo
This one is hard just a question is a short philtrum a failo?
it rly depends

if everything else is good, short philtrum is not that important as your other features take away from the philtrum

if everything else is bad, a better philtrum would improve your face

overall id say its not a big concern, theres other things to focus on
Shitty under eye area so scleral show
Lightbulb skull shape
Being Aboriginal
what other features do you consider a failo?
I had the same thread idea as you but you beat me i Wii say nct because you must have very narrow and long eyes To compensate a bit but it over for the hunter eye unless maybe if it's your unique falw and evrything around in this area is perfect but for sure over for chad eyes imo+ it s a sign of poor zygo
make a thread about it men im doing it because when I do my facial harmony thread I wanna give some reference like this but, hey if you can do it more complete than me do it and add more failos
women kiss chad, not a pair of lips sadly

both of them can look good depending on your other features though. imo those kinds of small and long lips go better on white people
well, I agree with that but if we talking about an aesthetic point thick lips are better regardless of race
well, I agree with that but if we talking about an aesthetic point thick lips are better regardless of race
well, thick with a very good shape and good balance between upper and lower lip

besides having fat under and above my lips, i also have thick lips but with a bad uneven shape.

theres really too much to say about lips to just categorize them as either thin or thick
do you have a good lips width? having a 70 mm lips widt is a slayer trait, if your lips are almost as long as your eyes that's a slayer trait
if youre talking to me i have no idea tbh
What is your taught on High eyebrow or medium height one imo i dont think that it can kill your eye area if you have decent fatpad and hooding so it s not a big failo imo
What is your taught on High eyebrow or medium height one imo i dont think that it can kill your eye area if you have decent fatpad and hooding so it s not a big failo imo
low eyebrows are more masculine but high ones are fine too. really depends how high they are

harmony matters a lot as opposed to individual features, so i cant say for sure without a pic
Some softmaxxing issue greasy hair acne patchy beard yellow misaligned or missing teeth it is not irreversible it can be remedied
1566268781481.png low flat assymetric cheekbones.
can you put some images to make the thread more complete
For the first 2 pics I tried to pick people who have other good features but are failoed by the folliwing:
Scleral show
Lightbulb skull shape
The average Aboriginal looks like a cast member from the original rise of the planet of the apes
I think everyone has forgotten To mention the absence of ogee curve no ogee curve = shit zygo
How has hair not been mentioned, having curly hair and a windows peak makes me wanna rope
How has hair not been mentioned, having curly hair and a windows peak makes me wanna rope
I have curly hair and is really hard to comb, I definitely want to have straight hair right now im doing some treatments to have it
How has hair not been mentioned, having curly hair and a windows peak makes me wanna rope
I mentioned greasy hair there is some men who look good with curly hair as far as they are healty and you take care of them you can do banges with your curles post a pic of your hair so i can judge them if you want