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what procedure should i do for my skin?


Well-known member
May 1, 2024
milky way
im 21 and growing up i always had pretty good skin, never had any breakouts but didnt do skincare either until i was like 18-19. around that age i would get like one pimple at a time and im pretty sure me not resisting the urge to pop them is what caused the scars today. basically overtime i would get one pimple then pop it and now i have a shit ton of scars, they are just leftover red marks. pretty sure its PIE (post inflammatory erythema.) ill attach a picture below (not me btw)
so i wear makeup now everyday to cover it, but i went to a dermatologist who gave me differin gel, azelaic acid, i alternated between them every night (also used a clenaser, moisturizer, sunscreen ofc) and after a few months no change so i went back to her and she gave me some other cream i forgot what it was called but it had these grains in it? and she even gave me a medication i had to stop because of side effects. when that didnt work i got 5 sessions of acne mesotherapy, she injected things into my face NO f*****g DIFFERENCE. i went back and forth to her for like a year and a half and i started losing patience. then i asked her if i could get a chemical peel or laser or something and she said no, which really annoyed me, and told me to go on accutane instead- the problem is i dont have ANY ACTIVE ACNE. they are literally just scars. so i stopped going to her and now im not sure what to do, i actually bought chemical peels online (where i am its crazy i was able to buy 50% TCA with no restrictions like i ordered makeup or something) and am planning to do them at home, but what do you guys suggest? i already did a 15% TCA peel a few months ago and it didnt do much so i want to increase the percentage. do you think i should go back to a dermatologist and get laser? microneedling? chemical peel at the office? at home? im so tired of covering it with makeup everyday. and i keep getting new scars even tho this time i made sure not to touch my pimples and applied retin-A to them and wore sunscreen. lmk what yall suggest
i always pop my pimples and get no scars.

most skincare products bind to your proteins and downgrade ur skin health. vaseline does not bind to ur proteins so try that
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i always pop my pimples and get no scars.

most skincare products bind to your proteins and downgrade ur skin health. vaseline does not bind to ur proteins so try that
ok i can do that for the new pimples but do you have any suggestions what to do for the already existing scars?
i always pop my pimples and get no scars.

most skincare products bind to your proteins and downgrade ur skin health. vaseline does not bind to ur proteins so try that
Ur special that u can

noone should pop thier pimples most will get scars
Tazarotene or its weaker version tretnoin

They will transform ur skin from bronze to gold
Good skincare with active ingredients
Ur special that u can

noone should pop thier pimples most will get scars
yeah when i get pimple scars they heal very fast, only on my chin when i overdid it i had a really bad big scar so i stopped there, my chin didnt actually have pimples just clogged pores thats why i was overdoing it
but now its healed
chemical peel, collagen, cleanser, moisturizer, spf, benozyl peroxide, all of those help
be healthy as well
Fascia training 😻😻 for collagen
Peptides would probably be best though
Red-light. Tretinoin ( just get it) some skin peels ( not needed for acne tbh) msm. Make your diet more low inflammation if you can. Just throwing out catch alls for most skincare concerns

The bread and butter though is don't wash your face as often as you think. Tret. Sunscreen *if your using Tretinoin. Red-light. Glycolic acid peels 2 times a month. If you do wash your face. Find a gentle natural version don't get those aggressive washes.

In general Vaseline at night. I slather f**k out of it on my skin before I sleep. It protects skin. Keeps skin from drying out and based on studies has been shown to actually change the makeup of the skin to be stronger over time. Get a good moisturizer for nighttime like cerve brand or just get the knock off brand.

Avoid anything with charcoal or beads in it. Avoid acne treatments that claim to remove it by washing face.

I used to have extremely bad hyper aggressive cystic acne that would never go away no matter what I did. I had this and hid it well by editing the acne out becuase it was actually horrible for my face and looks. The biggest thing that just cured it for good was tretinoin and avoiding processed garbage. It never came back. My skin is considered top level and I'm 28.
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Red-light. Tretinoin ( just get it) some skin peels ( not needed for acne tbh) msm. Make your diet more low inflammation if you can. Just throwing out catch alls for most skincare concerns

The bread and butter though is don't wash your face as often as you think. Tret. Sunscreen *if your using Tretinoin. Red-light. Glycolic acid peels 2 times a month. If you do wash your face. Find a gentle natural version don't get those aggressive washes.

In general Vaseline at night. I slather f**k out of it on my skin before I sleep. It protects skin. Keeps skin from drying out and based on studies has been shown to actually change the makeup of the skin to be stronger over time. Get a good moisturizer for nighttime like cerve brand or just get the knock off brand.

Avoid anything with charcoal or beads in it. Avoid acne treatments that claim to remove it by washing face.

I used to have extremely bad hyper aggressive cystic acne that would never go away no matter what I did. I had this and hid it well by editing the acne out becuase it was actually horrible for my face and looks. The biggest thing that just cured it for good was tretinoin and avoiding processed garbage. It never came back. My skin is considered top level and I'm 28.
would you say to get those peels done in the office or do them at home? should i risk doing it at home without the expertise of a doctor?

i have seen your skin, it looks amazing. hope my skin is that good when im 28.
