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What should I do to improve?


New member
Jul 6, 2019
I didn't know in which section to put this thread in. Ok so sometimes I feel like I have nothing good in myself and the bad things list is as follows
1. Small and recessed chin and mandible
2. Recessed maxilla
3. Convex face shape from side
4. Bloated face
5. Low hyoid bone
And due to these I feel like shit
Also guys I don't want to use any type of chemical or product if possible. But tell me how can I :
1. Fix recessed chin and mandible
2. Trigger more forward growth
3. Widen my face in general
4. Feel good about myself
5. Raise hyoid bone up and fix submental area
Suggest me a routine to fix all this up. I am certainly looking forward to you guys as my brother's from another mothers.
First three, mewing. 4th fix your diet aka reduce sodium 'n swallow corectly, chintuck can fix low hyoid, although mewing automatically lifts it, so put that in consideration,

I heard good things about chin implants in other forums, yeah people have also bonesmash, but that's dangerous to do in a lomg term. And for more forward growth, do hard mewing, just like the regular mewing, but you are putting as twice amount of pressure, and every second of it's hurt. To widen you face, you can train masseter muscles, either do this, expand palate, or grow some beard, make it appear bushy so it you can look wide a bit. And you see my bro, there are 24 hours every day, every month and year, change your habits, do something good today that will make you feel fulfilled today, don't cope, it's not permanent sollution, i used to be bullied and anxious, but once i standed on my 2 feets and actually started to change to better people were also, and yeah also i'd recommend you to read daily affirmations, they are definitely helping me ☺
First three, mewing. 4th fix your diet aka reduce sodium 'n swallow corectly, chintuck can fix low hyoid, although mewing automatically lifts it, so put that in consideration,

I heard good things about chin implants in other forums, yeah people have also bonesmash, but that's dangerous to do in a lomg term. And for more forward growth, do hard mewing, just like the regular mewing, but you are putting as twice amount of pressure, and every second of it's hurt. To widen you face, you can train masseter muscles, either do this, expand palate, or grow some beard, make it appear bushy so it you can look wide a bit. And you see my bro, there are 24 hours every day, every month and year, change your habits, do something good today that will make you feel fulfilled today, don't cope, it's not permanent sollution, i used to be bullied and anxious, but once i standed on my 2 feets and actually started to change to better people were also, and yeah also i'd recommend you to read daily affirmations, they are definitely helping me ☺
Those words were motivating I will try to become a good human but do subliminal videos on YouTube really work?
I guess you are meaning subliminal messages you are listening to achieve something, and guess what, they works, there are even site full of people reporting results, also idk how terrible your situation is, but just in 2017 i was afraid to leave the house, improving is mostly mind shifting
Those words were motivating I will try to become a good human but do subliminal videos on YouTube really work?
I guess you are meaning subliminal messages you are listening to achieve something, and guess what, they works, there are even site full of people reporting results, also idk how terrible your situation is, but just in 2017 i was afraid to leave the house, improving is mostly mind shifting
They don't
Okay so guys I will think out a routine based on Ada mustang's suggestions and post a new thread after few days and will follow it by heart. Also will let you know any types of changes occuring.
I don't know if subliminal messages work or not but still I will try to listen everyday before going to bed and the results may end up the argument of subliminals working or not.