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What should i fix first? Eyes or mouth?

Buried Alive

New member
Jan 7, 2021
What should i prioritize? My mouth or my eyes?

My jaw, in some pics, do not look that bad. But i have a biretrusion (yeah, confirmed by a dentist and a surgeon), and my teeth are hideous, and sometimes you can notice a short-face syndrome and it is like my jaw's too round, my lower lip is smaller than the upper one, i have like a lizard mouth.
I don't think I would go for a health insurance doctor, they fix the problem but they don't work much for the aesthetical side, for as I know.
But with my job i have a sort of assurance for medical things, and it should cover a surgery (of course most famous surgeon don't work for this, but i hope i don't need a big work, just fixing the aesthetical problem)

Also i'm the one with the worst eyes are that i know, except for the ones who are deformed or have big nct. I lack bones, i have uee and they are so dead looking. I was thinking about Pagnoni and these custom implants.

Of course i wanna do both, but i wanna prioritize what would work better for me at first. Also, there are chances of implants moving if i do them first and then fix my mouth?
My parents won't let me do much rn, so i'm just trapped in this situation.

In some pics i'm just like this jfl:
Did you read the thread at least?
Yes, I don't think the implants would move, but you can always ask Pagnoni for confirmation.

Have you considered orbital decompression btw?
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Yes, I don't think the implants would move, but you can always ask Pagnoni for confirmation.

Have you considered orbital decompression btw?
honestly yes.
Fact is that my eyes are not that bad sometimes.
This morning i was a little hangover and they were looking fine
What should i prioritize? My mouth or my eyes?

My jaw, in some pics, do not look that bad. But i have a biretrusion (yeah, confirmed by a dentist and a surgeon), and my teeth are hideous, and sometimes you can notice a short-face syndrome and it is like my jaw's too round, my lower lip is smaller than the upper one, i have like a lizard mouth.
I don't think I would go for a health insurance doctor, they fix the problem but they don't work much for the aesthetical side, for as I know.
But with my job i have a sort of assurance for medical things, and it should cover a surgery (of course most famous surgeon don't work for this, but i hope i don't need a big work, just fixing the aesthetical problem)

Also i'm the one with the worst eyes are that i know, except for the ones who are deformed or have big nct. I lack bones, i have uee and they are so dead looking. I was thinking about Pagnoni and these custom implants.

Of course i wanna do both, but i wanna prioritize what would work better for me at first. Also, there are chances of implants moving if i do them first and then fix my mouth?
My parents won't let me do much rn, so i'm just trapped in this situation.

In some pics i'm just like this jfl:
Fix your weird ass face by drinking some liquor maybe some of that will loosen your school shooter look
Try using a shotgun and you might be able to fix both at the same time!

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