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what supplements should i take to help me get jacked faster im not overwaight im accually under wheight i go to gym every day and train till i cant mo


New member
Nov 17, 2023
BC, Canada
I'm not overweight I'm actually under weight I go to gym every day and train till I cant move and then I will lower the weight and do it all over again and so on,

I eat too I eat a lot of calories everyday all good food to I recently haven't eaten over the past few days cuz of a breakup but I want to be better.

I take bcaa's zinc magnesium and vitamin c everyday before or after I work out any advice for what I should take / eat / do ???????
BCAAs are useless because you need all amino acids to build muscle. If needed, I recommend vitamin d3, zinc, magnesium, creatine, and protein powder.

You can get creatine if you eat a lot of meat, the same with protein.

Vitamin d3 is difficult to get because most people do not get adequate sunlight.
creatine and steroids

you can get creatine from powder drinks

i do not recommend getting sunlight as it will give you vitamin D but at a cost
According to wikipedia estrogen is what you need to boost muscle quickly, according to O'Hagan FT, Sale DG, MacDougall JD, and Garner SH.

  • Anabolic: Increases muscle mass and strength, speed of muscle regeneration, and bone density, increased sensitivity to exercise, protection against muscle damage, stronger collagen synthesis, increases the collagen content of connective tissues, tendons, and ligaments, but also decreases stiffness of tendons and ligaments (especially during menstruation). Decreased stiffness of tendons gives women much lower predisposition to muscle strains but soft ligaments are much more prone to injuries (ACL tears are 2-8x more common among women than men).[26][27][28][29]
  • Women tend to have lower base strength but on average have about the same increases of muscle mass in responses to resistance training as men and far faster relative increases in strength.[30][31]
  • Reduce bone resorption, increase bone formation
There are over 15 types of estrogen and I don't know what types you need.

The reason women are physically weaker than males might not be due to estrogen, but genetics or pre-natal estrogen. According to wikipedia, women have more slow twitch fibers that are weaker in strength but better for endurance.

Eat high calorie foods and continue training.
Whatever you eat atm just eat a little more and whatever weight you use up it by 2.5 and you will reach your goal

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