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what surgery fixes this ?

I don't believe you.

well youre a retarded f****t whom at the age of like 50 spends his time talking to teenagers on some looksmaxxing forum to cope with the fact that its way too late for you to do anything to help your appearance so I dont think i care. Go back to your wife and kids you demented freak.
I told many ppl to get surgery out of love but my friend u dont need it ur mentally masturbating and have body dysmorphia
im not trolling. My mother starved me for almost 2 years until i was able to move to my dad at 14. She commented on my appearance multiple times. When i got to my dads he force fed me a bunch of sugar to gain weight because he said quote “men dont like skinny girls” and then told me i should have boobs like my sister who has a large chest. He stopped talking to me for weeks on end because of his annoyance with me and then finally kicked me out when my weight did not improve.

Ever since i’ve been bullied for my looks in every single group home ive been in. By real nasty ratchet girls. Same for school.
Coming from a chad you look above average and u aint fat or built weirdly. Mentally ill people be projecting
nose job, forehead reduction, jaw implant, temple implant

??????????what term is this

yes i am very skinny
If youre a woman whos skinny or thick / slim thick its attractive.

Lol at forehead reduction most dudes like big foreheads and it balances feminine ratios. Jaw implant? No need unless u were recessed. Temple implant? Ive been lurking psl for almost two years and nobody gives a shit ab that. Rhino? Idk bruh many of ppl ik got botched
well youre a retarded f****t whom at the age of like 50 spends his time talking to teenagers on some looksmaxxing forum to cope with the fact that its way too late for you to do anything to help your appearance so I dont think i care. Go back to your wife and kids you demented freak.