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Announcement What would you like to see changed on the forum?

get you disagree but throwing insults doesn't resolve anything.
You both let this get beside yourselves so fix it or just draw a line on it.
you must be new to austin shelton this scumbag loser has been the so-called culture vulture of the psl community he takes the info that others have discovered and then sells and promotes it to the masses in exchange for attention and money. his short spike in fame also spiked his ego to the point where he thinks he can break the law and get away with it even if it comes at the expense of spreading misinformation
@Dean @Nihilus
at the moment, we have 26,284 members. of those, we see max 100 active. that is 0.4%ish of the forum users active.
if someone is inactive for a long period of time (say 3-4 months) and has few messages/no sustenance, send an automated email saying that their account will be deleted. they have a week to respond, if they dont click "Do not delete my account" or dont respond, then delete the account automatically. ez
Instead of this, you could make the ratings section of the site restricted for a certain period of time after you create your account, or make a minimum post limit to access the rate-me section, since that's what most users do before abandonding the site. You could also send out emails reminding users of their account if they are inactive to get old members who were just here for a rate-me to return.

So: 1. Convert users coming for a rate-me into active, long-time members and 2. Bring back old members who were just on the site for a rate-me to try to convert them to long-time users.

Also, I like the censorship as it seperates the website from the toxicityfest that is .org. Would love to see the forum more active!

Instead of this, you could make the ratings section of the site restricted for a certain period of time after you create your account, or make a minimum post limit to access the rate-me section, since that's what most users do before abandonding the site. You could also send out emails reminding users of their account if they are inactive to get old members who were just here for a rate-me to return.

So: 1. Convert users coming for a rate-me into active, long-time members and 2. Bring back old members who were just on the site for a rate-me to try to convert them to long-time users.

Also, I like the censorship as it seperates the website from the toxicityfest that is .org. Would love to see the forum more active!

that's a good idea, I like it
Instead of this, you could make the ratings section of the site restricted for a certain period of time after you create your account, or make a minimum post limit to access the rate-me section, since that's what most users do before abandonding the site. You could also send out emails reminding users of their account if they are inactive to get old members who were just here for a rate-me to return.

So: 1. Convert users coming for a rate-me into active, long-time members and 2. Bring back old members who were just on the site for a rate-me to try to convert them to long-time users.

Also, I like the censorship as it seperates the website from the toxicityfest that is .org. Would love to see the forum more active!

mostly agreed, especially with the rating restrictions
but the censorship doesnt make sense. it is like sugarcoating a word, everyone here is not a 5 year old and knows when you say a bad word and what it means. you can tell that r******d is retar/ded. you can tell the same with everything else unless you are extremely young (then shouldnt be here) or english is not native. it is just sugarcoating the word.
additionally, deleting old accounts would help by sending out emails of inactivity. there are thousands of inactive accounts here.
everything else is good
mostly agreed, especially with the rating restrictions
but the censorship doesnt make sense. it is like sugarcoating a word, everyone here is not a 5 year old and knows when you say a bad word and what it means. you can tell that r******d is retar/ded. you can tell the same with everything else unless you are extremely young (then shouldnt be here) or english is not native. it is just sugarcoating the word.
additionally, deleting old accounts would help by sending out emails of inactivity. there are thousands of inactive accounts here.
everything else is good
Deleting old accounts feels useless because that's removing potential users. Instead of deleting those accounts giving them an opportunity to return would potentially create new users. If there is a benefit to deleting accounts besides increase the % of active accounts, please tell me because it seems like it would only get rid of the opportunity for users to return to the site. Increasing the % of active accounts isn't important, increasing the number of active users is.
I don't care too much about the censorship, I'm apathetic towards it because of the reason you stated.
Deleting old accounts feels useless because that's removing potential users. Instead of deleting those accounts giving them an opportunity to return would potentially create new users. If there is a benefit to deleting accounts besides increase the % of active accounts, please tell me because it seems like it would only get rid of the opportunity for users to return to the site. Increasing the % of active accounts isn't important, increasing the number of active users is.
I don't care too much about the censorship, I'm apathetic towards it because of the reason you stated.
i would say 95% of those people are unlikely to return. if your account gets deleted you can simply make a new one.
reasons to delete:
-people may have personal stuff here like pics and stuff and they dont want that left online, privacy
-identity theft and data stolen (unlikely tho), security, data privacy, etc
-it will also make the forum look more active. having a good proportion will make it seem like a very active community. if you have only 0.5% active (which is actually activity around rn), then that does not seem good. it makes it look like this forum is filled with uncommited members. but if you have a higher activity rate, such as around 40%+ then that makes it seem like this forum is worth it to outsiders.
-it can clutter search results, you will find stuff with no value, cluttering what you are actually trying to find
-no response. people will respond to and bump an old thread but wont be replied to
i would say 95% of those people are unlikely to return. if your account gets deleted you can simply make a new one.
reasons to delete:
-people may have personal stuff here like pics and stuff and they dont want that left online, privacy
-identity theft and data stolen (unlikely tho), security, data privacy, etc
-it will also make the forum look more active. having a good proportion will make it seem like a very active community. if you have only 0.5% active (which is actually activity around rn), then that does not seem good. it makes it look like this forum is filled with uncommited members. but if you have a higher activity rate, such as around 40%+ then that makes it seem like this forum is worth it to outsiders.
-it can clutter search results, you will find stuff with no value, cluttering what you are actually trying to find
1 month after sending an email asking the user to return to the website, if they do not return, then their account can be deleted. Emails can still be sent to the deleted users asking them to return forever as well. This way everyone's happy. (y)

I wrote an entire paragraph responding to each of your points because I lost sight of the big picture lol
1 month after sending an email asking the user to return to the website, if they do not return, then their account can be deleted. Emails can still be sent to the deleted users asking them to return forever as well. This way everyone's happy. (y)

I wrote an entire paragraph responding to each of your points because I lost sight of the big picture lol
yup, i was thinking 4 months of inactivity, then a mod sees if there is anything useful on their profile, if there isnt they can be marked inactive and automatically they are given an email to respond to within a given time frame or their accounts will be automatically deleted.
great then
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Reactions: bye
@Dean You gotta either make the dislike reaction not mess up with your rep or just remove it all together asap lol

@AstroSky's post-rep got nuked to oblivion by some guys targeting him
son why the hell are you concerned about somethin so petty? tell me partner I am all ears you realize your life is so shitty because you give value to the stupid things in life like a post to rep ratio on a forum most humans will never hear of for cryin out loud sonny
@Dean You gotta either make the dislike reaction not mess up with your rep or just remove it all together asap lol

@AstroSky's post-rep got nuked to oblivion by some guys targeting him
hes right remove the -1 rep thing
@Dean somethin tells me @Autismcel is @AstroSky alt
Something tells me your softly softlys alt but hey 👋 I'm no detective. It's just you so happens to come out when softly softly comes out no matter the time of day. Maybe you live together or something. Idk 🤣 just awfully fishy. Maybe don't dislike when softly softly does at the exact same time and it wouldn't be so obvious?
maybe there should be some kind of negative rep for obv bad quality users that get rep each other to inflate. or prevent rep spam. so people cant be bombarding you with reps
@Dean would it be possible for you to increase the amount of images a single post or reply can contain? Right now it seems to be capped at 3 but I remember it used to be more and is more on .org. I’m asking because I wanted to post some threads and ideas I had but it would not let me post more than 3 at a time.
@Dean would it be possible for you to increase the amount of images a single post or reply can contain? Right now it seems to be capped at 3 but I remember it used to be more and is more on .org. I’m asking because I wanted to post some threads and ideas I had but it would not let me post more than 3 at a time.
I hate that part too. I'd love more pictures to be an option. I hope it doesn't increase his costs though
@Dean would it be possible for you to increase the amount of images a single post or reply can contain? Right now it seems to be capped at 3 but I remember it used to be more and is more on .org. I’m asking because I wanted to post some threads and ideas I had but it would not let me post more than 3 at a time.
yeah I can do that @Rkelly , what would be a good amount?

I don't want to do unlimited for obvious reasons
Instead of this, you could make the ratings section of the site restricted for a certain period of time after you create your account, or make a minimum post limit to access the rate-me section, since that's what most users do before abandonding the site. You could also send out emails reminding users of their account if they are inactive to get old members who were just here for a rate-me to return.

So: 1. Convert users coming for a rate-me into active, long-time members and 2. Bring back old members who were just on the site for a rate-me to try to convert them to long-time users.

Also, I like the censorship as it seperates the website from the toxicityfest that is .org. Would love to see the forum more active!

Actually a crazy good take ngl
Another way to make people use the forum more would be to increase the sense of community. The reason I don't usually go on the forum is because I don't need to ask questions/rate mes. Every single long-term user doesn't stay for the quality advice, they stay for the community and their reputation.
Another way to make people use the forum more would be to increase the sense of community. The reason I don't usually go on the forum is because I don't need to ask questions/rate mes. Every single long-term user doesn't stay for the quality advice, they stay for the community and their reputation.
This is true we need more sense of community and activities tbh
Another way to make people use the forum more would be to increase the sense of community. The reason I don't usually go on the forum is because I don't need to ask questions/rate mes. Every single long-term user doesn't stay for the quality advice, they stay for the community and their reputation.
what kinds of things would you guys like to see?
Make mobile easier to use this shit is cucked by pc
what are you having issues with? is it slow on mobile or something?
what kinds of things would you guys like to see?

what are you having issues with? is it slow on mobile or something?
its hard to react to stuff on mobile thats about it ngl
the rest of mobile experience is pretty solid besides features being harder to find
what kinds of things would you guys like to see?

what are you having issues with? is it slow on mobile or something?
Sometimes when i click on an alert it doesnt bring to me the message that was quoted or mentioned, just the thread itself
Also difficulties making reactions, sometimes it works and when it doesnt work I can only choose like
Sometimes when i click on an alert it doesnt bring to me the message that was quoted or mentioned, just the thread itself
Also difficulties making reactions, sometimes it works and when it doesnt work I can only choose like
okay I can look into this for sure

thanks for letting me know
okay I can look into this for sure

thanks for letting me know
Does the service you use to host the forum allow you to change what you see on mobile vs. PC? Otherwise, there's not much you can do because viewing sites on mobile that are meant for PC is shit. Not sure many will end up using the forum on mobile, though.
Does the service you use to host the forum allow you to change what you see on mobile vs. PC? Otherwise, there's not much you can do because viewing sites on mobile that are meant for PC is shit. Not sure many will end up using the forum on mobile, though.
i use on mobile mainly
@AstroSky you need to reflect cause you are starting to sound like some narc cult leader, it's good to challenged idk why you are offended by it, maybe your ego got hurt (happens to everyone) or something idk.

@softlysoftly I get you disagree but throwing insults doesn't resolve anything.
You both let this get beside yourselves so fix it orp just draw a line on it.
Add a setting to only give notifications for certain things. When I leave a reply on a post I don't need a notification for every new reply, only replies to my own posts, replies to my replies on other posts and reactions.
Add a setting to only give notifications for certain things. When I leave a reply on a post I don't need a notification for every new reply, only replies to my own posts, replies to my replies on other posts and reactions.
Add a setting to only give notifications for certain things. When I leave a reply on a post I don't need a notification for every new reply, only replies to my own posts, replies to my replies on other posts and reactions.
There already is a setting for that
You just disable notifications in settings for watching threads