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Announcement What would you like to see changed on the forum?

it would be better to have a select group of people who can just post their rating rather than pick out people and send to them all individually
Make a conversation with all the participants u want to send pics 😄
What happened to all the looksmaxxing subforums (such as fitness)? Did all the threads get deleted?
Also let me post .mov files on profile posts
1. To be able to edit posts to correct or simply delete items
2. Have people actually read the posts and leave meaningful comments.
3. More members with fresh ideas.
I actually read your threads but they often sound so far fetched and lack research to back it up
i dont think ive been here long enough to deserve a cool title like nihulus’s, astroskys, etc
No not cool title just colored username to distinguish u from greys
now guess why me and @Dean jfl-ed you
Only staff members can access profile banners what about public dont we the rights edit our profile banner only the government can enjoy all things while we common people are slaves
Copy the f**k out of and improve everything and imply it here that site is based af
ive never been on there, what do they do differently?

can you give some examples of what could be implemented here?