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Whats my highest potential? How do I reach it?

Hes mid to low MTN. He would get nothing at a club so LTN smv
Im 6’1 and can honestly say I’ve never been rejected. The closest thing to a club I’ve ever been to, (which I’d never go into a club that’s for degenerates) was a cruise and I had guys my age asking me for girl advice cause they saw me with every girl 😂 I’ll bet money I can pull more females than you
Im 6’1 and can honestly say I’ve never been rejected. The closest thing to a club I’ve ever been to, (which I’d never go into a club that’s for degenerates) was a cruise and I had guys my age asking me for girl advice cause they saw me with every girl 😂 I’ll bet money I can pull more females than you
Yikes at the weird larping and bitter attitude. You are clearly a virgin
Me and another dude asked you in another thread for a picture and you went ghost. What’s your insta then
I give out my insta to normal people, not salty larpers. Ask any notable members in the forum how i look and they have prob seen me, the new mods, kaari, schizotypical, ripskeem, the list goes on
Unless you have evidence you are very obvious virgin
damn that was a slaughter
Him thinking i would believe he slays more than me and gets cold approach looking like that is a slaughter to mine and yours intelligence. His pride problems are being taken out on me this is a looksmax forum
Him thinking i would believe he slays more than me and gets cold approach looking like that is a slaughter to mine and yours intelligence. His pride problems are being taken out on me this is a looksmax forum
He tried to stand his ground, which showed his rating. Chadlite wouldn't feel the need to engage in mog battle. People only feel the need to if they are insecure. Trying to impose and fight was a waste of time because that wouldn't actually change your decision. It only really showed bias imo. Be mindful of yourself and your words and dont change things that are impossible to change
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Him thinking i would believe he slays more than me and gets cold approach looking like that is a slaughter to mine and yours intelligence. His pride problems are being taken out on me this is a looksmax forum
Im not a liar lmao you said I’d have no luck in a club, I gave you an example that went against whatever you claimed. If I struggled with women I’d be asking for dating advice, instead I’m asking for advice on how to self improve because I want to look better for myself and reach my potential. Was I supposed to just agree with the assumptions you made about me?
He tried to stand his ground, which showed his rating. Chadlite wouldn't feel the need to engage in mog battle. People only feel the need to if they are insecure. Trying to impose and fight was a waste of time because that wouldn't actually change your decision. It only really showed bias imo. Be mindful of yourself and your words and dont change things that are impossible to change
Who am I Mog battling 😂 I said that I’d be willing to bet money that’s how confident I am.
He made assumptions about me and I responded to them.
What's the point of posting here hoping to get rated for potential and then throwing insults bc you didn't get rated high enough. Just childish.
Thank you lol he just came for feedback he wants to hear. op, if you want validation instagram is the place here we are gonna point out your flaws suck it up and move on, this site isnt for people like you. Your ego is random and undeserved and probably a symptom of abuse or a personality problem
Im 6’1 and can honestly say I’ve never been rejected. The closest thing to a club I’ve ever been to, (which I’d never go into a club that’s for degenerates) was a cruise and I had guys my age asking me for girl advice cause they saw me with every girl 😂 I’ll bet money I can pull more females than you
cope and you don't go clubbing not because you don't want to but because your not old enough to, sounds like your toxic because you got your ego hurt because you didn't get validation
cope and you don't go clubbing not because you don't want to but because your not old enough to, sounds like your toxic because you got your ego hurt because you didn't get validation
Fake IDs exist age has never been a problem
My ego was never hurt, I was never looking for validation, my original post literally says “what’s my potential and how do I reach it” I don’t think I’m anywhere near Chadlite lmao I think I’m low on the scale.
I was looking for help, someone gave me their opinion of on my potential and someone else thought they gave me my current rating so I corrected them
Fake IDs exist age has never been a problem
My ego was never hurt, I was never looking for validation, my original post literally says “what’s my potential and how do I reach it” I don’t think I’m anywhere near Chadlite lmao I think I’m low on the scale.
I was looking for help, someone gave me their opinion of on my potential and someone else thought they gave me my current rating so I corrected them
Even your original question shows you seeking inflated ratings. Its excrutiatingly over nobody who allegedly pulls this much seeks validation this desperately and has this bad pride issues
Imo you're at your genetic ceiling in the pic. Healthy gymmaxxing will help a bit but there's nothing drastic you can do softmaxxing wise. Embrace the mid-high normie tier (if you gymmaxx) and stop whining, lots of dudes are locked in incel despite all the maxxing they do. Maybe you'll still glow up a bit with age but this is it for now.
Even your original question shows you seeking inflated ratings. Its excrutiatingly over nobody who allegedly pulls this much seeks validation this desperately and has this bad pride issues
My original question of “what’s my potential how do I reach it” is seeking inflated ratings? That’s a wild take. I think you’re just used to a bunch of incels taking everything you say like it’s the Holy Bible and no one ever disagrees with you. The little dick rider in here wants your validation cause you’re a “well known member” this community thrives off of brain washing and convincing kids they need plastic surgery and that they’ll only be happy looking like a model
My original question of “what’s my potential how do I reach it” is seeking inflated ratings? That’s a wild take. I think you’re just used to a bunch of incels taking everything you say like it’s the Holy Bible and no one ever disagrees with you. The little dick rider in here wants your validation cause you’re a “well known member” this community thrives off of brain washing and convincing kids they need plastic surgery and that they’ll only be happy looking like a model
I never talked about plastic surgery. This is your defensiveness talking again.

Bunch of incels? Your defensiveness talking again. Just keep me on ignore youre gonna keep making unlimited lies about yourself and others to save your random, undeserved ego. I told u to ask people how i look but youd rather create your own reality. Everyone says youre mtn yet im getting stick for it, only one indian thinks your above average but nah we are the crazy incels according to your ego
I never talked about plastic surgery. This is your defensiveness talking again.

Bunch of incels? Your defensiveness talking again. Just keep me on ignore youre gonna keep making unlimited lies about yourself and others to save your random, undeserved ego. I told u to ask people how i look but youd rather create your own reality. Everyone says youre mtn yet im getting stick for it, only one indian thinks your above average but nah we are the crazy incels according to your ego
Bro you’re acting like youre all innocent 😂 you said I look like I have autism, sorry don’t think that the average person is just gonna let that slide because “we tell the truth and point things out here this isn’t Instagram.”
Bro you’re acting like youre all innocent 😂 you said I look like I have autism, sorry don’t think that the average person is just gonna let that slide because “we tell the truth and point things out here this isn’t Instagram.”
Thats exactly the point its a looksmax forum. Youre offended and upset because you ask a already inflating question to us and cry at me when we point out failos in a looks forum. U know ud get no attention on insta thats why ur so mad and attempted to bull some bs here. Anyway i added u to ignored
I was making objective comments and where u can improve and u started insulting everyone and making stuff up to feel better about the innocent comments
Thats exactly the point its a looksmax forum. Youre offended and upset because you ask a already inflating question to us and cry at me when we point out failos in a looks forum. U know ud get no attention on insta thats why ur so mad and attempted to bull some bs here. Anyway i added u to ignored
I was making objective comments and where u can improve and u started insulting everyone and making stuff up to feel better about the innocent comments
You never gave me a single objective comment 🤣🤣🤣 dawg please quote once where you gave me something supportive or helpful
You said I look like I have autism and that I’m a mid tier.
But that’s beside the point I literally could care less if I’m a mid tier or If im a Chad 😂 I honestly didn’t care about the rating it was more about saying I looked autistic. And when I said r****d I just say that word all the time but to someone who doesn’t know me it looked like I was insulting them but honestly I’m zooted so I think I’m just yapping i love to argue after puffing the penjamin