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Just use either mixed people or models. I had a white skinned paki friend and everyone said she doesnt look pakistani more greek cypriot or portuguese. We assume theyre dark and indian looking thats just how it is sorry u might hate indians but u were legit all one big country just over 50 years ago
Just use either mixed people or models. I had a white skinned paki friend and everyone said she doesnt look pakistani more greek cypriot or portuguese. We assume theyre dark and indian looking thats just how it is sorry u might hate indians but u were legit all one big country just over 50 years ago
I mean I barely see Indians that are lighter skinned than me
We’ve yet to see your face
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen his face and he looks really good, but you and this guy arguing over nothing he kinda insulted you but also made a point you shouldn’t get so but hurt over some guy on the internet saying something to you