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Where is everyone from?

I'd say HTN with a big pheno halo too. You're set in India, bro. If you're not doing well there, it might be more of a personal issue than a looks one.
I get decent girls here specially if i have grown my hairs long
Girls like me but when i talk to them i spit out psl lingo so they stop or stay away from me
I am Muslim so i don't believe in hookups and all that stuff
I get decent girls here specially if i have grown my hairs long
Girls like me but when i talk to them i spit out psl lingo so they stop or stay away from me
I am Muslim so i don't believe in hookups and all that stuff
Brutal, I've always said on .org that NT matters just as much as looks, and in some cases, even more if you're MTN. Avoid the PSL lingo, learn some Indian slang so you can use it when needed. Also, based for being a fellow Muslim, and I’m with you on being against hookup culture.
Brutal, I've always said on .org that NT matters just as much as looks, and in some cases, even more if you're MTN. Avoid the PSL lingo, learn some Indian slang so you can use it when needed. Also, based for being a fellow Muslim, and I’m with you on being against hookup culture.
Yess bhai even if i get matches on tinder ( with platinum ofc) they eventually ghost me after talking for sometime

I will gymmax soon tbh
Thank you akhi 😍
It seems like we're all online at the same time, which makes it look like we're in the same timezone. Since that's unlikely, I'm curious: where is everyone from? if you're comfortable sharing, your ethnicity as well.

I’m personally Moroccan, splitting my time between the Netherlands and Belgium.
I am from Uppsala in Sweden, but live in the UK
It seems like we're all online at the same time, which makes it look like we're in the same timezone. Since that's unlikely, I'm curious: where is everyone from? if you're comfortable sharing, your ethnicity as well.

I’m personally Moroccan, splitting my time between the Netherlands and Belgium.
I'm new to this, but I'm from the Dominican republic. So if you know something about DR, I'm mixed by default haha. 1000013637.jpg
Mirin do most people think ur a Pakistani fruit juice seller?
They think I'm a pakistani due to my looks but recognising other egyptians is easy so it happens to me only ig
@Zodiac since both of y’all live in the same small country why not meet up
I wish but I'm still studying and since he's probably in another town I would have to travel
It seems like we're all online at the same time, which makes it look like we're in the same timezone. Since that's unlikely, I'm curious: where is everyone from? if you're comfortable sharing, your ethnicity as well.

I’m personally Moroccan, splitting my time between the Netherlands and Belgium.
Cappadocian greek+ black sean
It seems like we're all online at the same time, which makes it look like we're in the same timezone. Since that's unlikely, I'm curious: where is everyone from? if you're comfortable sharing, your ethnicity as well.

I’m personally Moroccan, splitting my time between the Netherlands and Belgium.
Germany and German