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Where is everyone from?

It seems like we're all online at the same time, which makes it look like we're in the same timezone. Since that's unlikely, I'm curious: where is everyone from? if you're comfortable sharing, your ethnicity as well.

I’m personally Moroccan, splitting my time between the Netherlands and Belgium.
It seems like we're all online at the same time, which makes it look like we're in the same timezone. Since that's unlikely, I'm curious: where is everyone from? if you're comfortable sharing, your ethnicity as well.

I’m personally Moroccan, splitting my time between the Netherlands and Belgium.​
I'm European , and I live in Israel.
It seems like we're all online at the same time, which makes it look like we're in the same timezone. Since that's unlikely, I'm curious: where is everyone from? if you're comfortable sharing, your ethnicity as well.

I’m personally Moroccan, splitting my time between the Netherlands and Belgium.
Greece 🇬🇷
It seems like we're all online at the same time, which makes it look like we're in the same timezone. Since that's unlikely, I'm curious: where is everyone from? if you're comfortable sharing, your ethnicity as well.

I’m personally Moroccan, splitting my time between the Netherlands and Belgium.
New Mexico, USA, but I'm German/Slav ethnicity