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Who wants to FAST with me?


official rexxie
Feb 12, 2024
I started a fast at 10pm CST and am going to 96hrs. I don't care what time you start yours, but i'm looking for some buddies to talk to. I'm down to talk to anyone.
what is the purpose? is it a religious fast?
not religious. just to lose weight. kinda a hobbie thing
so fasting isn’t inherently bad, but if your goal is weight loss it might not give you the desired result. I’d be happy to help you come up with a sustainable plan to get leaner in the long term if you want.
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so fasting isn’t inherently bad, but if your goal is weight loss it might not give you the desired result. I’d be happy to help you come up with a sustainable plan to get leaner in the long term if you want.
i've tried a lot, and i've lost 70lbs from it so far. ive found what works for my body, although others may find it to not work.
i've tried a lot, and i've lost 70lbs from it so far. ive found what works for my body, although others may find it to not work.
in that case congratulations, keep it up if it’s working ig
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You got any fasting tips? I have trouble literally remembering not to eat lol
carry water with you everywhere and chug all the time. write it on your wrists so you see it every time you reach for food. I taught myself to somewhat hate most foods. Naps, painting nails or makeup, shower, work-out, work at job. Drink kombucha or zero cal sodas. don't weigh yourself till after you finish, unless you still need motivation.
You should try dry fasting its way easier you wont feel hella hunger pains
is that without water? bro, i need hydration for the rest of my goals
yea but its like max 2 days that's it or you could do intermediate fast without water say you don't drink/eat until 5-8 pm dude sometimes I feel full after one bite of food doing this also what muslims do during ramadan for 30 days
I started a fast at 10pm CST and am going to 96hrs. I don't care what time you start yours, but i'm looking for some buddies to talk to. I'm down to talk to anyone.
I dont think its a good idea bcs you keep starving yourself out of insecurity, without any benefits outside of losing weight; you r literally devouring yourself. Additionally, you age faster bcs of all the stress.

I suggest eating whenever you wish, as much as you wish, mostly foods with high micronutrients, including fats.

You're going to lose your fat and muscle and become a stick if you keep up with starving.
The less u starve the better you're going to feel
(Personal experience)

My question is, why do you want to starve yourself to death if you’re not ultra severely obese?
Listen to yourself and ur body
i've tried a lot, and i've lost 70lbs from it so far. ive found what works for my body, although others may find it to not work.
Try to do a short water fast. Limit your water to 1/2 to 1 gallon in order not to bloat your face. You can do a water fast cycle in order to get to your deirsed weight.
