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Guide Why Africans have a huge dick 🍆


a guy doing his thing
Jan 1, 2024
Buenos Aires
There is one superior method to get a huge schlong, and that is the African method.


It’s incredibly simple, you literally walk around in the sun, naked, no underwear, just showing your family weapon to the sun.

And when you are not doing this, you wear the looses underwear possible (preferable the hide of a Jaguar)


The closer you are to the equator, the more effective.

Why does this work tho?

What will happen is that the immense amounts of Vitamin D (basically a steroid hormone) that come ONTO your schlong stimulate growth of new tissues.

The infrared light that goes onto your Gonads superboosts the mitochondria in your Leydig cells which causes an IMMENSE boost in Testosterone and, more importantly; DHT production. Which boosts growth immensely.


The topical sunlight also promotes angiogenesis (more blood vessels in the family weapon) and increases bloodflow MASSIVELY, and not just temporary but also permanently.

Combine this with a Dutch diet and your girlfriend will be physically unable to leave u.
This forum doesn't need bbc threads
forum does need legitimate dick enlargement threads tho

does putting ur dick in sunlight legitimately increase penis size or is this a joke thread
Joke its actually genetics, its not racial not all blacks have big pp
There is one superior method to get a huge schlong, and that is the African method.

View attachment 29214

It’s incredibly simple, you literally walk around in the sun, naked, no underwear, just showing your family weapon to the sun.

And when you are not doing this, you wear the looses underwear possible (preferable the hide of a Jaguar)

View attachment 29215

The closer you are to the equator, the more effective.

Why does this work tho?

What will happen is that the immense amounts of Vitamin D (basically a steroid hormone) that come ONTO your schlong stimulate growth of new tissues.

The infrared light that goes onto your Gonads superboosts the mitochondria in your Leydig cells which causes an IMMENSE boost in Testosterone and, more importantly; DHT production. Which boosts growth immensely.

View attachment 29216

The topical sunlight also promotes angiogenesis (more blood vessels in the family weapon) and increases bloodflow MASSIVELY, and not just temporary but also permanently.

Combine this with a Dutch diet and your girlfriend will be physically unable to leave u.
shiiiiit even mogs my bbc thread:
its all related to DHT and androgen receptor sensitivity , @Buddy Boyo made good threads abt it

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