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Discussion Why are humans the only species that gets fat? Why are humans the most sickly species on the planet?

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Mar 10, 2020
I don't know if you knew but even pigs - which are known for being fat and some even call fat people "pigs" - are not fat naturally.

We have domesticated the pig now, but looking at pictures of wild pigs, you will notice they are not fat. This goes for every other animal living in their natural habitat on the planet.
Pigs eating a diet exclusively on Animal Protein and Fat become very skinny. It is only when us humans feed them all of our food scraps which is full of Carbohydrates and Fats do they become fat.

No animal that eats their appropriate diet gets fat. They know exactly how much, what, and when to eat.
Only us humans have tried to outsmart nature and created all those food pyramids and such did the obesity and disease rate skyrocket.

Tests done on the bones of our Ancestors show a large a mount of a certain Nitrogen Isotope indicated that a large amount of animal protein used to be consumed, as opposed to humans picking berries from the forest as some vegans claim.

Animal Fat and Protein are the foods that are the easiest to digest, and they are digested almost entirely within the GI. The only available study that is not based on correlations done on Fiber showed the complete elimination of Fiber from the diet completely eliminated constipation in every single participant of the study.

I could talk about this for a long more. I believe a lot of todays' problems happen because of Diet and the Environment. I have yet to find a single study which describes a mechanism trough which any part of an exclusive diet of Animal Protein and Fat could negatively affect a human.
I don't know if you knew but even pigs - which are known for being fat and some even call fat people "pigs" - are not fat naturally.

We have domesticated the pig now, but looking at pictures of wild pigs, you will notice they are not fat. This goes for every other animal living in their natural habitat on the planet.
Pigs eating a diet exclusively on Animal Protein and Fat become very skinny. It is only when us humans feed them all of our food scraps which is full of Carbohydrates and Fats do they become fat.

No animal that eats their appropriate diet gets fat. They know exactly how much, what, and when to eat.
Only us humans have tried to outsmart nature and created all those food pyramids and such did the obesity and disease rate skyrocket.

Tests done on the bones of our Ancestors show a large a mount of a certain Nitrogen Isotope indicated that a large amount of animal protein used to be consumed, as opposed to humans picking berries from the forest as some vegans claim.

Animal Fat and Protein are the foods that are the easiest to digest, and they are digested almost entirely within the GI. The only available study that is not based on correlations done on Fiber showed the complete elimination of Fiber from the diet completely eliminated constipation in every single participant of the study.

I could talk about this for a long more. I believe a lot of todays' problems happen because of Diet and the Environment. I have yet to find a single study which describes a mechanism trough which any part of an exclusive diet of Animal Protein and Fat could negatively affect a human.
high IQ... never thought of that @JamieOliver
Yeah, same with all these so called "Mental illnesses" which only humans seem to be affected by.
Not even a word, sorry man.

But have a Reddit gold

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animals dont get fat in the wild because they eat to survive, they go hunting or looking for food and usually only get enough food to survive so they dont get fat, they also have to stay in relatively good shape to be able to get food otherwise they wont be able to catch what they want to eat, it was the same for humans years ago before there was a proper society built.

but now humans have established a proper society we no longer eat to survive, we eat for pleasure as food is readily available for all of us and as life is all about pleasure people just keep eating and eating until they get fat. also as we no longer need to hunt our own food, we can just go to our local shops there is no reason to be in good shape e.g: not fat so people just naturally become more lazy and fatter,
Mental illnesses
Ah yes, thing. Gaming addict is mentally ill, but transsexual is perfectly normal according to the most experts in a specific psychology field. Maybe some of the ethnic groups not only burn easier and faster, but also understand more about our complex human mind. I do not want to point fingers at specific people and i will not, i am not racist, bigot, transphobe, xenophobe, antisemite and most importantly i do not possess predetermined prejudices. No doubt we are one race, one people. Peace fellow humans.
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animals dont get fat in the wild because they eat to survive, they go hunting or looking for food and usually only get enough food to survive so they dont get fat, they also have to stay in relatively good shape to be able to get food otherwise they wont be able to catch what they want to eat, it was the same for humans years ago before there was a proper society built.

but now humans have established a proper society we no longer eat to survive, we eat for pleasure as food is readily available for all of us and as life is all about pleasure people just keep eating and eating until they get fat. also as we no longer need to hunt our own food, we can just go to our local shops there is no reason to be in good shape e.g: not fat so people just naturally become more lazy and fatter,
Of course, I also mentioned lifestyle in general, but here is the thing.

The big part of why hunting and looking for food would impact not getting fat is not the hunting part it's the eating what you hunted part.

We know exactly what happens when animals stop being fed their appropriate diet as we have done it with every single animal we domesticized. It's well known grass-fed cows are leaner than the ones being fed soybean scraps and that in order to get a Wagyu steak you need to fatten the cow with a lot of Fats and Carbohydrates.

The mechanisms trough which Carbohydrates, alone or in combination with Fats causes deleterious health effects are very well known, and more are being proven every year.

It's no doubt that if you eat a lot of food without exercising you will most likely get fatter. What I am arguing here is that is impossible on a human-appropriate diet of Animal Fat and Protein, as we naturally know exactly how much of it we need.
but transsexual is perfectly normal according to the most experts in a specific psychology field.
Well that at least brings in more Tomboys, but when they transition they'll need to get burnt at the stake I'm afraid as they are of no use to me then...

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