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Why did this forum die

i would premote if people would stop being dicks to me but wtf do i benefit lmao. i could keep getting bigger on youtube easy but right now im taking a nice relaxing break before i go hard again
Lmao 😂😂😂 u are too funny
The real reason is the admin disappeared.

Mod neo got his panties in a bunch due to his piss weak mental strength and left.
He couldn't take the ldar mentality on PSL forums

Astro stopped promoting this site.

Too many shit threads by gay pedos @NickWithoutRestriction @Sasaki @SikKunt

These are the main reasons why
Hate that nick
i would premote if people would stop being dicks to me but wtf do i benefit lmao. i could keep getting bigger on youtube easy but right now im taking a nice relaxing break before i go hard again
astro bro im nice to you, i know you didnt get fillers, i dont know if you remember me but im sorrow from ages ago when you had 300 subs, i supported you then and i still support you now,

Lets get it starting again

*********** has taken over
cuz @admin is gone. I want to take over if i could but i can’t get in touch with him.

i would premote if people would stop being dicks to me but wtf do i benefit lmao. i could keep getting bigger on youtube easy but right now im taking a nice relaxing break before i go hard again

we don’t want ur bluepilled emofag normie followers on this site spamming the same mewing posts 24/7.