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Why these Korean faggots have so broad shoulders?

Buddy Boyo

LGBTQP+ supporter
Jul 24, 2019
Neoples Buttcunt
I dont get it, Koreans are usually very feminine, sloped, stubby and short

i mean just look at these ridiculous wide shoulders:

just lol clavicles.jpg

kpop shoulder.jpg

It's unbelieveable to the Point that it Looks unnatural, is there a secret shoulder widening surgery available in Korea?????????????

Such straight Long clavicles and Scapulas are usually only common among Sudanese top elite Tier genetics BBC slayers, even most afro american guys dont have such wide scapulas and clavicles

There are dozens of korean Celebrities who such wide and squarish shoulders, do they all undergo a secret shoulder widening procedure????

Imagine being able to get such Broad squarish shoulders as a sloped framecel via surgery :love:

...But in the meanwhile, sloped framecels have to torture themselves with misc advice and routines from autistic Lifting meatheads

muh hard work lol.png

Some guy once told me that i could get the same shoulders like the first guy above if i only work hard enough

JFL at These delusional normies
Idk man.. This Korean foreign exchange student at my school is tall with a huge frame also.
I dont get it, Koreans are usually very feminine, sloped, stubby and short

i mean just look at these ridiculous wide shoulders:

View attachment 6159

View attachment 6160

It's unbelieveable to the Point that it Looks unnatural, is there a secret shoulder widening surgery available in Korea?????????????

Such straight Long clavicles and Scapulas are usually only common among Sudanese top elite Tier genetics BBC slayers, even most afro american guys dont have such wide scapulas and clavicles

There are dozens of korean Celebrities who such wide and squarish shoulders, do they all undergo a secret shoulder widening procedure????

Imagine being able to get such Broad squarish shoulders as a sloped framecel via surgery :love:

...But in the meanwhile, sloped framecels have to torture themselves with misc advice and routines from autistic Lifting meatheads

View attachment 6164

Some guy once told me that i could get the same shoulders like the first guy above if i only work hard enough

JFL at These delusional normies
day 37/90.... wonder if he's doing nofap
You realise how bad the entertainment industry is in korea. They can select the top 0.1% (because almost every kid wants to be a pop idol) and then take out the sub 8's
You realise how bad the entertainment industry is in korea. They can select the top 0.1% (because almost every kid wants to be a pop idol) and then take out the sub 8's

Lookism is brutal there, children get plastic surgery and if your bad looking you have to get procedures to even get a job. Looksmaxxing is so normal there, getting plastic surgery is normal and male popstar wear tons of makeup.