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Discussion Why you shouldn't take the pinkpill (Transmaxxing)

doesnt matter, incel chose to be woman and his genes will not be passed down either way

not a larger dating pool but ok
hormones change sexuality the person will probably become bisexual

you can surgery for face like feminization, gonial angle, bone shaving, canthal tilt, etc.
if ur getting pussy surgery i assume you can afford facial surgery

then also u dont need pussy surgery
be a cute t****y with a small dick 🥰 men(and some women) love femboys and trannies more then theyre willing to admit
A Northwestern University study recruited 205 men interested in trans women. In that online survey, 52.9% identified as straight, 37.3% as bisexual, and 2.6% as gay, and 7% as something else. Also, 55.9% said their ideal partner would be a cisgender woman, and 34.7% said it would be a trans woman.
this is just for men attracted to mtf^
now add on whatever percetnage of women that are willing to
In the sample, 3.3% of heterosexual men, 1.8% of heterosexual women, 11.5% of gay men, 28.8% of lesbian women, and 51.7% of bisexual, queer, and non-binary people (grouped together for analysis) reported they would be interested in dating a transgender person, and the remainder were not interested.

cuz they take bad balance of hormones that jew doctors prescribe
they need to do more research instead of taking straight up e and t blockers


ooohhh hellll nahhh
doesnt matter, incel chose to be woman and his genes will not be passed down either way

not a larger dating pool but ok
hormones change sexuality the person will probably become bisexual

you can surgery for face like feminization, gonial angle, bone shaving, canthal tilt, etc.
if ur getting pussy surgery i assume you can afford facial surgery

then also u dont need pussy surgery
be a cute t****y with a small dick 🥰 men(and some women) love femboys and trannies more then theyre willing to admit
A Northwestern University study recruited 205 men interested in trans women. In that online survey, 52.9% identified as straight, 37.3% as bisexual, and 2.6% as gay, and 7% as something else. Also, 55.9% said their ideal partner would be a cisgender woman, and 34.7% said it would be a trans woman.
this is just for men attracted to mtf^
now add on whatever percetnage of women that are willing to
In the sample, 3.3% of heterosexual men, 1.8% of heterosexual women, 11.5% of gay men, 28.8% of lesbian women, and 51.7% of bisexual, queer, and non-binary people (grouped together for analysis) reported they would be interested in dating a transgender person, and the remainder were not interested.

cuz they take bad balance of hormones that jew doctors prescribe
they need to do more research instead of taking straight up e and t blockers


I agree with this also if you get a fake pussy you would still feel the missing organ like a person who looses there arm and still feels like it's there
I agree with this also if you get a fake pussy you would still feel the missing organ like a person who looses there arm and still feels like it's there
maybe in the future surgeries will improve, i hope they do
if they revolutionize creating a new penis for ftm trannies, then i could use this tech to get a big dick
being trans is an ideology ..being a femboy is just being hyper feminine male
what i mean is the principle is the same
you make yourself feminine to try to escape inceldom
transgender is one of these methods yeah
you dont necessarily need to be trans just femboy
new cute ways for somebody mentally ill to customize their avatar yay!
looksmaxxing and ascension surgeries is basically what you described, and their for escaping inceldom
if an incel takes pinkpill to "ascend" then why is it bad?
what i mean is the principle is the same
you make yourself feminine to try to escape inceldom
transgender is one of these methods yeah
you dont necessarily need to be trans just femboy
it's one thing to be feminine another to be a woman..that's my only issue if a guy whats to really become more feminine he's free..i don't think it will genuinely work since it will just lead them to degeneracy instead but if the bar to escape inceldom is so low ..well hey
it's one thing to be feminine another to be a woman..that's my only issue if a guy whats to really become more feminine he's free..i don't think it will genuinely work since it will just lead them to degeneracy instead but if the bar to escape inceldom is so low ..well hey
not saying its ok for men to use womens room or anything
the purpose in itself is to convert to feminity
By pinkpill I mean , the poor attempt for a man (male) to raise his SMV by "transitioning"(impossible) into a woman (female).
Clearing that out so we won't have confused readers who know the term from "femcel" "radfem" spaces.

List of "benefits" transmaxxers assume they'll get by transitioning :
  1. Getting a female body
  2. Having a larger dating pool ( lesbians )
  3. Better orgasms
  4. Better treatment from strangers ( female privilege)
  5. Better life expectancy
  6. Better feel of emotions cause of estrogen
  7. Male partners of high quality
The reality of transitioning is way more different
HRT for a MtF alone could results in a plethora of issues such as :
  1. Less erections / decrease in ejaculation
  2. Smaller testicles
  3. Infertility
  4. Memory loss
  5. Increased risk of breast cancer
  6. Increased risk of blood clots
  7. Strokes
(Last three are a reason on why during the 90s women on menopause or perimenopause dropped HRT btw.)
List of things HTR won't change in a man's anatomy
  1. BONES!!
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We don't even have to talk about the differences .
At the end of the day humans are animals , we can identifying someone's biological sex just by looking.
"People are remarkably accurate (approaching ceiling) at deciding whether faces are male or female, even when cues from hair style, makeup, and facial hair are minimised."

Meaning that is very rare for a MtF to pass as fully cis especially without the help of makeup, filters and plastic surgery.
Only kids could be consider "sexless" since they didn't go through puberty yet.Most successful MtF prob started at a younger age or are just frauding.Either way they're still fucking up their bodies by staying infertile.

"Buuut Rainbooow I don't caare if I'll have a small penis , I'll get my custom made pussy"
No such a thing as a desinger made pussy, only a disgrace to Hippocrates and the medecal field in general.
Only thing you'll be able to do while preparing your dilator ,is fantasizing about Chad fucking you! now or a cute lesbian Stacy rubbing clits with you when in reality you'll be dealing with:
  1. Trouble emptying your bladder when you pee
  2. Shallow vagina too small for intercourse
  3. New vaginal tissue rotting (necrosis)
  4. A hole growing between your rectum and "vagina" (Rectovaginal Fistula)
  5. Narrowing of your urethra
  6. Infections
Societal issues:
  1. Inability to find a proper job
  2. Less chances of getting a partner ( 1.8 % of straight women would date a troon 3.3% for men)
  3. Bad rep from all the troon pedos
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And last but not least becoming other statistic
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yeah overall not a great idea
By pinkpill I mean , the poor attempt for a man (male) to raise his SMV by "transitioning"(impossible) into a woman (female).
Clearing that out so we won't have confused readers who know the term from "femcel" "radfem" spaces.

List of "benefits" transmaxxers assume they'll get by transitioning :
  1. Getting a female body
  2. Having a larger dating pool ( lesbians )
  3. Better orgasms
  4. Better treatment from strangers ( female privilege)
  5. Better life expectancy
  6. Better feel of emotions cause of estrogen
  7. Male partners of high quality
The reality of transitioning is way more different
HRT for a MtF alone could results in a plethora of issues such as :
  1. Less erections / decrease in ejaculation
  2. Smaller testicles
  3. Infertility
  4. Memory loss
  5. Increased risk of breast cancer
  6. Increased risk of blood clots
  7. Strokes
(Last three are a reason on why during the 90s women on menopause or perimenopause dropped HRT btw.)
List of things HTR won't change in a man's anatomy
  1. BONES!!
View attachment 41413View attachment 41418

We don't even have to talk about the differences .
At the end of the day humans are animals , we can identifying someone's biological sex just by looking.
"People are remarkably accurate (approaching ceiling) at deciding whether faces are male or female, even when cues from hair style, makeup, and facial hair are minimised."

Meaning that is very rare for a MtF to pass as fully cis especially without the help of makeup, filters and plastic surgery.
Only kids could be consider "sexless" since they didn't go through puberty yet.Most successful MtF prob started at a younger age or are just frauding.Either way they're still fucking up their bodies by staying infertile.

"Buuut Rainbooow I don't caare if I'll have a small penis , I'll get my custom made pussy"
No such a thing as a desinger made pussy, only a disgrace to Hippocrates and the medecal field in general.
Only thing you'll be able to do while preparing your dilator ,is fantasizing about Chad fucking you! now or a cute lesbian Stacy rubbing clits with you when in reality you'll be dealing with:
  1. Trouble emptying your bladder when you pee
  2. Shallow vagina too small for intercourse
  3. New vaginal tissue rotting (necrosis)
  4. A hole growing between your rectum and "vagina" (Rectovaginal Fistula)
  5. Narrowing of your urethra
  6. Infections
Societal issues:
  1. Inability to find a proper job
  2. Less chances of getting a partner ( 1.8 % of straight women would date a troon 3.3% for men)
  3. Bad rep from all the troon pedos
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And last but not least becoming other statistic
View attachment 41419
Me now woman💖💝💘💋🙊🙈👩‍🎤
Easy for a Swedish cuck to transition not fair
Sometimes i wish I could be a balkan mut. All balkans do is drink raki, do hard laber and become fat like pigs + sub 5 facially and still have a stacylite gf

Instead im destened to be a richcel, meatball eating slave worker🤯
Sometimes i wish I could be a balkan mut. All balkans do is drink raki, do hard laber and become fat like pigs + sub 5 facially and still have a stacylite gf

Instead im destened to be a richcel, meatball eating slave worker🤯
Just come for vacation to boost our economy