doesnt matter, incel chose to be woman and his genes will not be passed down either way
not a larger dating pool but ok
hormones change sexuality the person will probably become bisexual
you can surgery for face like feminization, gonial angle, bone shaving, canthal tilt, etc.
if ur getting pussy surgery i assume you can afford facial surgery
then also u dont need pussy surgery
be a cute t****y with a small dick

men(and some women) love femboys and trannies more then theyre willing to admit
A Northwestern University study recruited 205 men interested in trans women. In that online survey, 52.9% identified as straight, 37.3% as bisexual, and 2.6% as gay, and 7% as something else. Also, 55.9% said their ideal partner would be a cisgender woman, and
34.7% said it would be a trans woman.
this is just for men attracted to mtf^
now add on whatever percetnage of women that are willing to
In the sample, 3.3% of heterosexual men, 1.8% of heterosexual women, 11.5% of gay men,
28.8% of lesbian women, and 51.7% of bisexual, queer, and non-binary people (grouped together for analysis) reported they would be interested in dating a transgender person, and the remainder were not interested.
cuz they take bad balance of hormones that jew doctors prescribe
they need to do more research instead of taking straight up e and t blockers