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Discussion Why you shouldn't take the pinkpill (Transmaxxing)

Would kill me to have a big sloped nose as a woman.. fortunately it's straight
Mf praying for ur own downfall. Sloped big noses r ugly af but ig if u wsnt to be able to see ur own nose in ur everyday life go for it. I will send u 1 lira for ur cause or whatever jewish money u guys use
Mf praying for ur own downfall. Sloped big noses r ugly af but ig if u wsnt to be able to see ur own nose in ur everyday life go for it. I will send u 1 lira for ur cause or whatever jewish money u guys use
Bruh y'all the ones with monopoly money...we have the same currency as the rest of europe..LEARN HOW TO WRITE you already speak English light as your native language it shouldn't be hard for you
Sometimes i wish I could be a balkan mut. All balkans do is drink raki, do hard laber and become fat like pigs + sub 5 facially and still have a stacylite gf

Instead im destened to be a richcel, meatball eating slave worker🤯
agreed balkans are giga low inhib
I only drink espresso but yes I did indeed. Did u enjoy cleaning the floor while I took it easy and got to enjoy life?☺️
I don't work for summer season I'm not a moron.. y'all you had the opportunity to actually enjoy life tho 💋
Rainbow, go fetch ur dad his raki b4 he beats u into a pulp. And dont forget to let him smack ur ass after💀 the amount of times i saw greece men do that to their own daughter is insane and disqusting
Dawg what?
Only went their to share my funds with the less fortunate
No you went there cause mommy and daddy dragged you there..hope your ass didn't get sunburnt
No you went there cause mommy and daddy dragged you there..hope your ass didn't get sunburnt
Ye ur right. Otherwise i wouldnt have gone to that shithole. Unlucky me ): ... have to vistit a new country every 2 months and learn abt their shitty country
Nah im just fkn w u dont take it to heart buddy boyo