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Discussion Women opinion on this?

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The Homelander
@The Homelander

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  • #109
@choripan google bateman's principle, combined with social media and fisherians, you will understand female hypergamy
I understand hypergamy I don't understand straight women finding other women more attractive than men (on average)
Or at least when I made this rheead now I think the answer is makeup + most men not caring on looks
Is it the body then? You like femenine bodies? If femenine men are better, what features make you think a men is femenine or not?
No feminine is not better
They only look good to below 12-14 year old women imo
No way i want a some feminine looking skinny boy with the frame of a little girl
Broad shoulders, talll height, good eyebrows are all manly traits women seek for
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #111
No feminine is not better
They only look good to below 12-14 year old women imo
No way i want a some feminine looking skinny boy with the frame of a little girl
Broad shoulders, talll height, good eyebrows are all manly traits women seek for
Then why you find women more oftently attractive than men
Then why you find women more oftently attractive than men
Idk women just look attratcive than moids
Most moids my age are skinny or either obese , theres no inbetween.
Whereas the women just look so much better, they are in shape and have divine beauty
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #113
Idk women just look attratcive than moids
Most moids my age are skinny or either obese , theres no inbetween.
Whereas the women just look so much better, they are in shape and have divine beauty
What is divine in them?
So why then men shouldn't look femenine?
Men looking feminine is meh cuz they dont have the face for it IMO
These men are not my type
They look twinky and unmanly
But many women find them attractive
At the end it depends on the womens type
Do whatevr you wnat
Look feminine or masculine idc
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #118
Men looking feminine is meh cuz they dont have the face for it IMO
View attachment 45980
These men are not my type
They look twinky and unmanly
But many women find them attractive
At the end it depends on the womens type
Do whatevr you wnat
Look feminine or masculine idc
I don't want to be femenine that's why I'm worried
Thanks for your view
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  • #120
Yeah then dont
if someone only likes you fro your looks then that means they will leave you the moment your beauty fades
No one will nor liked me by being myself
Yes and no. Mostly due to men's appearances not being as "important" as they grow up. They aren't really taught to care about it until they hit puberty then start feeling attraction then they start to focus on appearances. Plus I think women (generally) are more bisexual than men are, so that also plays into it. It's not that girls are more attractive than men, it's that looks are more emphasized for women than men when they're younger. Plus what's sold to girls vs boys when their kids? Makeup, dress up dolls, princesses etc vs monster trucks, play weapons, super heroes. It's mainly socialization. The opposite would appear true if gender roles were reversed and men's attractiveness was more emphasized.
No feminine is not better
They only look good to below 12-14 year old women imo
No way i want a some feminine looking skinny boy with the frame of a little girl
Broad shoulders, talll height, good eyebrows are all manly traits women seek for
Just a higher mix of feminine features in the face and body but still tall and broad?
Men looking feminine is meh cuz they dont have the face for it IMO
View attachment 45980
These men are not my type
They look twinky and unmanly
But many women find them attractive
At the end it depends on the womens type
Do whatevr you wnat
Look feminine or masculine idc
I think it's a cultural difference mainly. I've heard that beards or facial hair is seen as either unclean or associated with criminals in east asian countries. Plus asian features are pretty androgynous (why do you think asian trans ppl pass so well), if you edited these men to have long hair they'd look like women fr (the makeup isn't helping either). Plus a lot of kpop idols are under extremely restrictive diets so of course they look thin and twinkish, their agencies refuse to let them eat enough for them to put on decent muscle. The haircuts/color also look very boyish and androgynous. If they dyed their hair natural colors, lost the makeup, gained some weight and muscle they'd look a lot more masculine.
Just a higher mix of feminine features in the face and body but still tall and broad?
Yeah, stupid example but Kars from JJBA is a good example. Ik he's not real but the thirst online definitely is. Has highly feminine facial feautures (almond upturned eyes, slim nose, full lips) but has a masculine face shape (strong defined jawline, high cheekbones) and is tall, broad and muscular. Obviously your average man is not going to be able to attain/mainly the insanely lean muscular build of a pillarman but that's just an example. Basically when girls say they like "feminine" men, they're talking about the pretty boy type. Masculine with some feminine features that make him look sorta exotic and different from your average beefcake. Sorta like how some guys are into tomboys aka women with hourglass/pear body type with some muscle defintion, a short haircut and some masculine features. Lean beef patty is a good example of that.
