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Info Wristpill

Buddy Boyo

LGBTQP+ supporter
Jul 24, 2019
Neoples Buttcunt
Actually ankle and jointpill

having small wrists will not make your forearms bigger or particulary more defined

thats a misc myth

small wrists means that your whole forearm bone structure is slim and small and that your forearms will look small in relation no matter how much muscle you build

small wrists are causd through low testosterone, high Estrogen and thus low IGF exposure and a generally small amount of IGF receptors

dont compare yourself to slim wristed african guys, they have small wrists because of their slim hot Climate phenotype and NOT because they lack IGF and androgen receptors like a typical western low T framecel

They can still build up and hold a LOT of muscle on their bones, a small wristed low IGF and high Estrogen framecel however has not only small bones but shit Tier IGF and androgen receptor Density which why they can only hold very Little muscle on their Frame, their muscle insertions and belly size are also trash tier
Cant be bothered to measure wrist, and even if i find out mine are shit thin I wouldn't give enough of a fuck to care srs
Actually ankle and jointpill

having small wrists will not make your forearms bigger or particulary more defined

thats a misc myth

small wrists means that your whole forearm bone structure is slim and small and that your forearms will look small in relation no matter how much muscle you build

small wrists are causd through low testosterone, high Estrogen and thus low IGF exposure and a generally small amount of IGF receptors

dont compare yourself to slim wristed african guys, they have small wrists because of their slim hot Climate phenotype and NOT because they lack IGF and androgen receptors like a typical western low T framecel

They can still build up and hold a LOT of muscle on their bones, a small wristed low IGF and high Estrogen framecel however has not only small bones but shit Tier IGF and androgen receptor Density which why they can only hold very Little muscle on their Frame, their muscle insertions and belly size are also trash tier
brutal truthpill
@Neo you got some hella good genes for muscle building I'm telling you
definitely not joint and frame wise, but he does look like he has good muscle insertions and bellies. he can still build a pretty aesthetic physique imho
Thats a bit above the average wrist of a female JFL
im 18, could they get to 7 inches? especially if i supplementmaxx and bonesmash and excercise? could I see improvement through stressing them in ur opinion?
Mine are 6.5" and so are my mother's wrists, I wish I had inherited my father's thick wrists instead of his bulbous nose tbh...
Here's a old study done about wrist size back in the 1990s on marine corps personnel. Over 99% of the people in the study had a wrist size smaller than 7.67 inches. Anything above that is extremely rare.