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ya dont need to be a greek god to get laid

Oct 17, 2020
lotsa people that wanna looksmax go monk mode and dont even try to ask a chick out until they look like a greek god

in reality all ya need to get laid or at least a bj is to be social n have the balls to approach

n if all else fails just find the biggest slut you can and shell sleep with a short bridge troll too lmao
you either fuck hot girls through escorting or become a monk.fucking drunk 4/10s is cope and is what cucks and omegas do to pretend like they're sexually desirable males after courting, bargaining, and paying for food for those 3/10 and 4/10 foids for months sometimes years.
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you either fuck hot girls through escorting or become a monk.fucking drunk 4/10s is cope and is what cucks and omegas do to pretend like they're sexually desirable males after courting, bargaining, and paying for food for those 3/10 and 4/10 foids for months sometimes years.
u gotta do what u gotta do bro haha

i havnt seen anyone begging tho, that shit doesnt work
At least 3.5 PSL at average height to get laid
At least 5 PSL to be considered good looking
You have to ask out a girl who is below your looks level only... if you don't want to get rejected in 2020 (and definitely not in public).

And I'm talking about at least a 0.5-1 PSL point difference between you and her. The social circle part is a cope, to help you not be seen as unfamiliar or a desperate creep... it only quickens things up for you. Chads can be loners and be accepted at first sight. People are trying to look 'approachable' to get something, that's why they hesitate asking a girl out (while they're looksmaxxing), until they are somewhat attractive and are tolerable to women, sexually.
You have to ask out a girl who is below your looks level only... if you don't want to get rejected in 2020 (and definitely not in public).

And I'm talking about at least a 0.5-1 PSL point difference between you and her. The social circle part is a cope, to help you not be seen as unfamiliar or a desperate creep... it only quickens things up for you. Chads can be loners and be accepted at first sight. People are trying to look 'approachable' to get something, that's why they hesitate asking a girl out (while they're looksmaxxing), until they are somewhat attractive and are tolerable to women, sexually.
When was the last time you spoke to a woman?
Outside of my family I last spoke to a girl like 2 years ago
IT IS SO OVER. How is this even possible?

Even if I don't want to talk to women outside of my family, I still end up in a situation where I have to (or where they engage the conversation).

The girl I spoke to one Friday was just a 2nd year student in uni (I'm a 1st year student), who knew more than me. She helped me in my lab practicals (and she's done this since the beginning of the semester), without demanding anything in return. She's a nice person. Not planning on simping tho.
IT IS SO OVER. How is this even possible?

Even if I don't want to talk to women outside of my family, I still end up in a situation where I have to (or where they engage the conversation).

The girl I spoke to one Friday was just a 2nd year student in uni (I'm a 1st year student), who knew more than me. She helped me in my lab practicals (and she's done this since the beginning of the semester), without demanding anything in return. She's a nice person. Not planning on simping tho.
What ethnicity?
What ethnicity?
She's Arab looking. Don't know which nationality.
Maybe a year older than me, since she's a 2nd year student.
She's as tall as my shoulder height, black hair, wears glasses. Above average by PSL standards.
If I really was a 'Fakecel chad' then she would have sucked me off. So keep coping.
In my entire uni life, no female offered me help, not even a male. Must be your charming personality.
If I really was a 'Fakecel chad' then she would have sucked me off. So keep coping.
Women have been nice to me as well, it really doesn't mean jack shit.
Women have been nice to me as well, it really doesn't mean jack shit.
Correct. Only basement dwellers think that if a woman's nice to you, she likes you.
In my case she was nice to me and helped me without asking... but definitely it was only out of kindness.
