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Youtube "advice" about incel issues


Well-known member
Established Member
Aug 15, 2023
same generic libertarian redpill advice
pull yourself out of bootstraps, become ceo, become masculine, if you complain about being incel you are a "b***h"

vid says to just be masculine, but what if i don't want to?
in my experience women aren't attracted to masculinity at all. When I was younger I had non-zero women attracted to me, I was a lot more feminine back then. The more masculine I got the less women seemed interested in me. I think what the man is saying in the video, when he says "masculinity", what he really is saying is "go to the gym and not be a fat lard", and to be a model citizen that makes 100k a year...

women are attracted to this not this

when guys like this say masculinity what they are actually saying is maturity. some women want guys with a clean and stable home, some women are attracted to Order others are attracted to Chaos and date criminals.

gamer chicks tend to be bisexual or lesbian so we can assume gaming is masculine, lusting for chicks at the gym is masculine, some women hate this. Nofap is nun you are low t if you no fap. These online gurus say to be masculine and low t at the same time.

RL Example: Women seem actually repulsed by some forms of masculinity, for example they view people with a natural sex drive as a "pervert". If you go to a gym and get a boner at the women wearing skanky clothes you are viewed as a "perv". Going to the gym, as advice, is problematic for this reason also. If you want sex on the first date (which is a high t thing to do) you usually get dumped. Some women even expect you to follow organized religion which is basically like self-castration. For example if you force a grown man to say "Ben Shapiro is an alpha male", that's not a masculine thing to force a male to do, yet some women will refuse to date you until you agree that Ben Shapiro is an alpha male and attend his church every Sunday.

One of the biggest flaws of the video though is its just another "pick yourself up by the bootstraps" vid. Basically he doesn't really acknowledge the problem with his system. The problem is even if his system works, he doesn't acknowledge that working on yourself for 5 years to escape being a virgin is in of itself problematic, its not healthy to not get laid for 5 years. And if people have already been a virgin for 5 years before watching the video, then they have to wait another 5 years to maybe get laid. But this time it might even be worse, since he says to be more "masculine", which actually means more testosterone, which means more sexual frustration than before.

Also he doesn't seem to recognize how good looking he is. He is white, about an 8 in looks, and thinks everybody can relate to this, when some people no matter how long they go to the gym will not be as good looking as him. And not everyone is going to score a 100k income either, even if they work hard they still might be poverty level.

And in a perfect world, income shouldn't matter for women over 40. Women over 35 can't get pregnant anyway, so the "she wants enough income for a family" argument seems primitive and simpy. The video seems to be blaming men too much and giving a free pass to primitivism.

In a perfect world, low income neets could just date women over 35. Men are biologically programmed to f**k multiple women and Women are biologically
programmed to be f****d by different men, so Women naturally get money eventually because the odds are one of the men will have money. Because of this, not every man that fucks a woman needs to have money. Men are not biologically programmed to be workaholics, they are biologically programmed to f**k women. Telling men that being a workaholic that doesn't watch porn is "masculine", in order to beta provide, is just a confusion of modernity. I think when he says "be masculine" what he is saying is "don't look like the soyjack memes", none of those guys look particularly feminine either. Feminine guys like eboys are the ones getting 10,000 females, eboys are almost the same as femboys.
soyjack meme example:
