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Recent content by sakuzjo

  1. sakuzjo

    What surgery can fix my face

    yo dude. Ur face is honestly pretty shapely already, you have good brow ridge and nose shape (normal for ur ethnicity I believe) and also good maxilla/cheekbones and jaw definition (which is pretty rare). I don't think you need surgery, maybe try mewing to just look meaner and get a more square...
  2. sakuzjo

    my shitty mewing photos v2

  3. sakuzjo

    my shitty mewing photos v2

    Angle and lighting diff, yea ik man sorry I didn't take very good photos but I'm pretty sure you can see differences SPECS: Old photos in Jan 2020, new photos around end of 2021, so about 2 years change. 1 year soft mewing, then 1 year hard mewing, with last 2 months tongue chewing gum. Didn't...
  4. sakuzjo

    Results.. mewing 1yr 20m

    At least pay for my rope, it's the least you can do
  5. sakuzjo


    thanks baus lookin forward to ascending together
  6. sakuzjo

    Results.. mewing 1yr 20m

    Thx bro. Yea I also went to the gym but I've been working out for a few years already, I think starting german volume training helped me get past my plateau tho
  7. sakuzjo

    Results.. mewing 1yr 20m

  8. sakuzjo

    Results.. mewing 1yr 20m

    Photo from 1mth ago, left side is about a year before the right side. Sorry about lighting, I know it's super inconsistent but I still think my side profile changed. I'm 20 rn Just sorta hard...? mewing... didn't do thumb pulling or chewing gum (it's weird coz the way I chewed before, I think I...
  9. sakuzjo


    Hey guys I joined yesterday, 20m. Need to become gigachad but height and face is stopping me short. Been goin to the gym a few years back since hs but I really neglected things like posture/face structure/side profile. Started hard mewing a year ago and pretty good progress in the jaw, looking...