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Search results

  1. thereisahope

    Any tips for growing facial hair as a teenager?

    I'm 19 and stopped shaving which is the biggest thing you can do when growing facial hair, obviously. But it's still kinda funny and can't grow like a mustache so it just goes all away around my chin. Should I just wait it out or shave it and wait for like a year or something?
  2. thereisahope

    Does anybody have any bulking tips?

    I'm 5'10''-5'11'' and I hover around 160 pounds, I'm 19 years old and I'm trying to get bigger, I think that'd help a twink boy me.
  3. thereisahope

    What style is more attractive? Classic or Trendy?

    I like the 1950s style, where guys wore polos, khakis, buttoned-down shirts, solid colored u necks, and their hair was short slicked back or side parted. Think like James Dean or Marlon Brando. But it's not really in fashion. Should I go for a more trendy style instead? For reference, I'm 19.
  4. thereisahope

    Sup...What's the verdict? Is it over?

    Advice is welcome and appreciated as well as a (1-10) rating. I feel like my asymmetries are holding me back. I'm taking this time in college to reinvent myself in all facets of my life including attractiveness.