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Search results

  1. I

    Normies start to hate my ass after looksmaxxing

    I'm talking about my workplace, and IRL shits, not some online forum tf?
  2. I

    Normies start to hate my ass after looksmaxxing

    After taking care of my looks, and ascend as a guy, I gained more attention from women, especially hot and pretty women, and receive a lot of stares and glances. At the same time, some people also start to hate my ass, and called me F word, and gay, and also talk shit behind my back 24/7...
  3. I

    Doctor pointed out mandible asymmetry on X-RAY, anyone else have this?

    In the meantime, is there anything I can do to hide this temporarily? Like filler or something?
  4. I

    Doctor pointed out mandible asymmetry on X-RAY, anyone else have this?

    I wonder how the f**k did this even happen? He told me surgery is the only way to fix, but there would be complications. Sometimes I yawn and open my mouth too wide, the longer side goes out of socket and gets stuck. And when I mew, the shorter side's palate hurts, and I look inside my...
  5. I

    Father’s Alcohol Consumption Before Conception Linked To Brain And Facial Defects In Offspring

    Fetal alcohol syndrome-related craniofacial differences could be seen in offspring born to fathers who regularly consumed as little alcohol as the legal limit. Recent research challenges existing dogma about that links fetal alcohol syndrome only to the mother's drinking...
  6. I

    Jawline gone due to weight gain or from jew dentists?

    I seriously think braces completely f****d my face, same with wisdom teeth removal. I look so feminine and g4y now, holy shit. cancer jew dentists. WTF do i do now? BEFORE (50 kg though): AFTER (60 kg): i legit want to ropemaxx after these ortho treatments, f**k man.
  7. I

    Did my chin or jaw recessed from orthodontic works?

    Do you think it was the braces or wisdom teeth removal? I don't know which one did it.
  8. I

    Did my chin or jaw recessed from orthodontic works?

    Photo shoot in preparation for braces (so prior to braces, 2021, 50kg): Most recent photoshoot (2024, after 4 wisdom teeth removal, 1-2 years braces, no premolars extractions though or elastics, 60 kg): I don't know what happened to my chin, it looks shorter in height and smaller, my...
  9. I

    Mk 677 at 18

    What do you mean ruin?
  10. I

    Advice on becoming a man from a boy?

    I'm in my early 20s, and I look like a kid, people keep telling me and thinking I am 16 years old and like I am some sort of boy, they don't take my seriously. I look hella young, and I don't know if it's because of growth hormone deficiencies (I do have MK677 and might take it for this issue if...
  11. I

    Oral surgeon refused to do bone grafting for wisdom removal

    He said it's a very very very rare procedure, and refused to do it. What now? I think wisdom teeth removal made slight changes to my face, jaw is slimmer, etc. Do I go to a different place? But it's already too f*****g late, it's been 3 months now since I got it removed, the bone is already...
  12. I

    Screwed up whole body asymmetry from childhood?

    I'm not sure if it's genetics or something my parents did, but my skull isn't round; it's uneven with a big bulge on the right side. Coincidentally, my right jaw, cheekbone, leg, posture, chest, and shoulders are all off too, especially on the right side. It feels like everything's connected...
  13. I

    Was this YouTuber's facial change the result of wisdom teeth removal?

    Before wisdom removal: AFTER REMOVAL: I think it ruined her face, she looks 10x older. This is only 9 months apart... I mean yeah very nice hollow cheeks after the removal, but it just is not good looking compared to the before, which is fuller, younger, and more healthy looking.
  14. I

    bone graft after wisdom teeth removal?

    Is it a must for lookmaxxing? I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed about 2 months ago. Ever since then, I notice my jaw is slimmer, and doesn't seem as round and big as before, and overall just not good and very off. Is it too late to bone graft now? Can bone grafting reverse it? I heard...
  15. I

    Does face change a lot in our 20s?

    I know girls who looked 10x better while in high school, like 16-18, and then now at early-mid 20s, they look like they went through menopause... I thought our 20s is supposed to be the age where we do a lot of fukin and partying and finding a partner? Why do we lose our looks in this age range...
  16. I

    Does face change a lot in our 20s?

    I often look back at past photos of when I was in highschool, or teenage years, around 18-19 years old, maybe even 20 and I look way different compared to now at around 22. I also checked in on my old friends from school and they look unrecognizable, their face became puffy, bloated and bigger...