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  1. pookiebear

    Whos advice would u take

    yes i just finished my finals
  2. pookiebear

    Do you guys get compliments on your looks in real life?

    kfajskd i feel the same but i guess after ascending we wont need makeup anymore :)
  3. pookiebear

    19F hello

    you could overline with a color that is not as dark
  4. pookiebear

    Skin care

    i have a similar problem if anyone knows please help for me its probably caused by my makeup towel when i remove my makeup :/ i noticed my skin is less red on the days i dont wear makeup
  5. pookiebear

    guys im cooked

    i celebrated too early i did shit on pathology today but its ok cause im still passing overall :D
  6. pookiebear

    19F hello

    everything else about your makeup looks good and suits you really well especially the eye makeup it looks really good
  7. pookiebear

    19F hello

    i feel like dark lipstick is not a daily look they have to match with the event and the outfit specifically
  8. pookiebear

    19F hello

    i think the dark lipstick just doesnt do you justice i always do korean-ish and very feminine looking makeup and i use a slightly reddish lip tint, first i put it all over my lips and then i make it darker at the top (a gradient look if you know what i mean) then i put on aquaphor/vaseline/lip...
  9. pookiebear

    above or below average

    very skilled at what you do indeed
  10. pookiebear

    best rapist on this forum

    best rapist on this forum
  11. pookiebear

    how can i fix a weak or receded chin

    its weird bc my jaw looks fine its just my chin that doesnt line up with my lips
  12. pookiebear

    hollow cheeks advice?

    ive always found women with masculine jaws as very attractive and in general the "handsome" look on women but i also like very feminine beauty too
  13. pookiebear

    how can i fix a weak or receded chin

    i showed to sigma and whitepill in dm, they confirmed it is pretty recessed :( i will try hard mewing, finding an orthotropic orthodontist for headgear or smth, and if they dont do anything ill do a lot of research and bonesmash as last resort. if that doesnt work ill have to live with it.
  14. pookiebear

    Do you guys get compliments on your looks in real life?

    same with the makeup thing + i went out of my way to compliment my exes a lot cause i know they dont get compliments much but honestly i dont see makeup making you look that different, based on the pictures you posted? like you do eyeliner, a dark lip, base makeup, i feel like you wouldnt look...
  15. pookiebear

    is there any miracle helping my browridge?

    im saying as a med student that that is the location of the cribiform fossa where fibers of the olfactory nerve pass thru and trauma to this area will likely damage it and cranial nerves do NOT regenerate. it also happened to my mom, as i said. i would say, out of all areas on the face, that is...
  16. pookiebear

    hollow cheeks advice?

    her jaw is the most masculine ive ever seen wdym
  17. pookiebear

    hollow cheeks advice?

    who is this
  18. pookiebear

    hollow cheeks advice?

    oh interesting i always noticed her more feminine features first but at this age that brow density and bone structure is wild also what does an attractive feminine jaw look like? or does a jaw have to be masculine on a woman to be attractive?
  19. pookiebear

    Experience My top 5 gigastacys

    madison beer is soo real i couldnt stop staring when i first saw her
  20. pookiebear

    Do you guys get compliments on your looks in real life?

    i have a daily makeup look which i dont do anymore but when i did i got a lot of compliments am extremely confident and look good, like ppl know me for dressing up and looking good no matter the day i also got rated lower on here, it doesnt mean you are not attractive so dw