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is there any miracle helping my browridge?

the morph is good , it adds harmony to your face , you can bonesmash or get implants
Implants asap
Second photo mogs u should do it tbh
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the morph is good , it adds harmony to your face , you can bonesmash or get implants
i got less radical solution i can just get rhino cuz nose is the problem that makes my lack of browridge look worse so if i get rid of crookedness ill get same amount of harmony but id be less masculine compared to the first morph photo_2024-05-29_19-55-53.jpg

nose is masculine browridge is not

so you'd have to make both masculine or both feminine cause it doesn't match
please do NOT bonesmash that area, it is extremely close to your olfactory nerve you could literally lose your sense of smell (my mom got injured there in a car crash and she cant smell anymore) PLEASE im begging you do not bonesmash that area
yall be careful what kind of advice you give to people @allexxs
Wait ppl actually bonesmash I thought it was a joke
People do and it PROLLY works
please do NOT bonesmash that area, it is extremely close to your olfactory nerve you could literally lose your sense of smell (my mom got injured there in a car crash and she cant smell anymore) PLEASE im begging you do not bonesmash that area
yall be careful what kind of advice you give to people @allexxs
General advice also u have not the video of the guy bashing his forehead with a hammer super hard
please do NOT bonesmash that area, it is extremely close to your olfactory nerve you could literally lose your sense of smell (my mom got injured there in a car crash and she cant smell anymore) PLEASE im begging you do not bonesmash that area
yall be careful what kind of advice you give to people @allexxs
Bonesmashing is not exclusively bad, it depends on how you do it

One thing that's certain is that when you are bonesmashing you dont do it as hard as a f*****g car crash
Bonesmashing is not exclusively bad, it depends on how you do it

One thing that's certain is that when you are bonesmashing you dont do it as hard as a f*****g car crash
im saying as a med student that that is the location of the cribiform fossa where fibers of the olfactory nerve pass thru and trauma to this area will likely damage it and cranial nerves do NOT regenerate. it also happened to my mom, as i said. i would say, out of all areas on the face, that is the MOST dangerous place to do it, BECAUSE IT IS DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF A CRANIAL NERVE. don't even risk it. i do feel like there is some legitimacy to bonesmashing and it would at least be less dangerous to do it to your chin or your zygos (because there is no cranial nerve directly behind them), although branches of the facial nerve and arteries pass thru there too, there is also risk of permanent muscular facial paralysis and bursting an artery or vein, theres also lymphatics passing thru, you would have to do an insane amount of research and be extremely careful to make bonesmashing work.