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  1. TonyTheLooksmaxxDR

    Guide How to : Sexmaxxing 2.0

    I think women's pleasure is more important today than reproduction
  2. TonyTheLooksmaxxDR

    Guide How to : Sexmaxxing 2.0

    At this point, the foreplay and oral sex are also useless, because it doesn't matters for reproduction ? Just like anal, it's a part of woman's pleasure. Raw dogging a woman for 2 minutes and hoping she doesn't developp frustration and resentment for you, even if you are a Chad, is a wild bold take
  3. TonyTheLooksmaxxDR

    Guide How to : Sexmaxxing 2.0

    The p-spot exists, it's called the posterior fornix orgasm, alongside the anterior fornix orgasm (a-spot), so called "deep spots" because you need a big dick to reach it To compare, the g-spot of women is simillar to the men's prostate.
  4. TonyTheLooksmaxxDR

    Guide How to : Sexmaxxing 2.0

    False, a lot of women like butthole and anal stimulation. It's just men who don't prep them correctly. Actually a woman's butthole share the same nerves with the clitoris and the top inner wall of the vagina : the g-spot. Thats why a lot of women like to be the anus stimulated (licking...
  5. TonyTheLooksmaxxDR

    Guide How to : Sexmaxxing 2.0

    Yeah females looksmaxxers, add some tips and advices
  6. TonyTheLooksmaxxDR

    Any cures for balding?

    The best cures to balding are : 1/ Using a 2.5mm depth dermapen once a week and/or 1/a) Tretinoin and/or 2/ Get prescribed low dose dose fin (0.25mg) and low dose minox 3/ Or using 1mg fin and mixox 5% 4/ Or using a topical blend of rice bran oil (stronger than the well known saw...
  7. TonyTheLooksmaxxDR

    Guide How to : Sexmaxxing 2.0

    Based on my most popular Reddit post. Alongside with looks, i think sex, especially very good sex is still taboo in the blackpill/looksmaxxing community. So here my opinion to improve that cheatcode who outforms money and frame. The one and only possible antidote for genuine love & respect...