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Any cures for balding?

Buddy Boyo

LGBTQP+ supporter
Jul 24, 2019
Neoples Buttcunt
im norwood 2-3, i dont take fin or any other DHT blocker since i already have low DHT

btw. if you took fin during puberty theres a high Chance you fucked up your penis or voice development
Minoxidil and microneedling:

Materials and Methods:

Hundred cases of mild to moderate (III vertex or IV) androgenetic alopecia (AGA) were recruited into 2 groups. After randomization one group was offered weekly microneedling treatment with twice daily 5% minoxidil lotion (Microneedling group); other group was given only 5% minoxidil lotion. After baseline global photographs, the scalp were shaved off to ensure equal length of hair shaft in all. Hair count was done in 1 cm2 targeted fixed area (marked with tattoo) at baseline and at end of therapy (week 12). The 3 primary efficacy parameters assessed were: Change from baseline hair count at 12 weeks, patient assessment of hair growth at 12 weeks, and investigator assessment of hair growth at 12 weeks. A blinded investigators evaluated global photographic response. The response was assessed by 7- point scale.

(1) Hair counts – The mean change in hair count at week 12 was significantly greater for the Microneedling group compared to the Minoxidil group (91.4 vs 22.2 respectively). (2) Investigator evaluation – Forty patients in Microneedling group had +2 to +3 response on 7-point visual analogue scale, while none showed the same response in the Minoxidil group. (3) Patient evaluation – In the Microneedling group, 41 (82%) patients reported more than 50% improvement versus only 2 (4.5%) patients in the Minoxidil group. Unsatisfied patients to conventional therapy for AGA got good response with Microneedling treatment.

Dermaroller along with Minoxidil treated group was statistically superior to Minoxidil treated group in promoting hair growth in men with AGA for all 3 primary efficacy measures of hair growth. Microneedling is a safe and a promising tool in hair stimulation and also is useful to treat hair loss refractory to Minoxidil therapy.

But i think Minoxidil might affect your DHT:
Minoxidil and microneedling:
View attachment 7262

But i think Minoxidil might affect your DHT:
Peppermint oil is said to work as well as minox. There is debate abt whether it fucks with T or not.
im norwood 2-3, i dont take fin or any other DHT blocker since i already have low DHT

btw. if you took fin during puberty theres a high Chance you fucked up your penis or voice development

Peppermint oil

Shower filters
Scalp massage
Cold showers
im norwood 2-3, i dont take fin or any other DHT blocker since i already have low DHT

btw. if you took fin during puberty theres a high Chance you fucked up your penis or voice development
whats fin
im norwood 2-3, i dont take fin or any other DHT blocker since i already have low DHT

btw. if you took fin during puberty theres a high Chance you fucked up your penis or voice development
Just get a due hair transplant or buy a hair piece
im norwood 2-3, i dont take fin or any other DHT blocker since i already have low DHT

btw. if you took fin during puberty theres a high Chance you fucked up your penis or voice development
Finasteride, estrogen gel, microblading/dermablading, transplant, castor and peppermint oil, minoxidil, dutasteride, RU58841
im norwood 2-3, i dont take fin or any other DHT blocker since i already have low DHT

btw. if you took fin during puberty theres a high Chance you f****d up your penis or voice development
Increase your globulin levels
The best cures to balding are :

1/ Using a 2.5mm depth dermapen once a week and/or

1/a) Tretinoin and/or

2/ Get prescribed low dose dose fin (0.25mg) and low dose minox

3/ Or using 1mg fin and mixox 5%

4/ Or using a topical blend of rice bran oil (stronger than the well known saw palmetto) with alcohol (80%/20%), and adding key ingredients like topical finasteride (0.1%), rosemary oil (5%), tea tree oil (5%), topical melatonin (0.1%), topical caffeine (1%) and few drops of Vitamin E
The best cures to balding are :

1/ Using a 2.5mm depth dermapen once a week and/or

1/a) Tretinoin and/or

2/ Get prescribed low dose dose fin (0.25mg) and low dose minox

3/ Or using 1mg fin and mixox 5%

4/ Or using a topical blend of rice bran oil (stronger than the well known saw palmetto) with alcohol (80%/20%), and adding key ingredients like topical finasteride (0.1%), rosemary oil (5%), tea tree oil (5%), topical melatonin (0.1%), topical caffeine (1%) and few drops of Vitamin E

Buddy Boyo

Knowledgeable Reputable Established Member
LGBTQP+ supporter · From Neoples Buttcunt
Joined Jul 24, 2019
Last seen Aug 9, 2022

dont bump necrothreads this was posted in 2019 and op is inactive
The best cures to balding are :

1/ Using a 2.5mm depth dermapen once a week and/or

1/a) Tretinoin and/or

2/ Get prescribed low dose dose fin (0.25mg) and low dose minox

3/ Or using 1mg fin and mixox 5%

4/ Or using a topical blend of rice bran oil (stronger than the well known saw palmetto) with alcohol (80%/20%), and adding key ingredients like topical finasteride (0.1%), rosemary oil (5%), tea tree oil (5%), topical melatonin (0.1%), topical caffeine (1%) and few drops of Vitamin E
I’ll take advice but buddy boyo is gone 😭🙏
The best cures to balding are :

1/ Using a 2.5mm depth dermapen once a week and/or

1/a) Tretinoin and/or

2/ Get prescribed low dose dose fin (0.25mg) and low dose minox

3/ Or using 1mg fin and mixox 5%

4/ Or using a topical blend of rice bran oil (stronger than the well known saw palmetto) with alcohol (80%/20%), and adding key ingredients like topical finasteride (0.1%), rosemary oil (5%), tea tree oil (5%), topical melatonin (0.1%), topical caffeine (1%) and few drops of Vitamin E
Jfl at getting prescriptions i get my letrozole whenever i want with so little money that u can't even buy 2 litres sprite with it
I can get them js fine
I can prob find it cheap around here regardless
You must have worse quality medicine because of price then?
Usa buys our 25 percent of exported meds which os the largest buyer it has to be good if usa buys from us

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