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Search results

  1. Dagre

    Guide Estrogenicavoidancemaxxing - Diet Edition

    three? you included???
  2. Dagre

    Guide Estrogenicavoidancemaxxing - Diet Edition

    you said the same about him and your vietnamese friend
  3. Dagre

    Guide Estrogenicavoidancemaxxing - Diet Edition

    two separate people my guy
  4. Dagre

    Guide Estrogenicavoidancemaxxing - Diet Edition

    How to 100% your Diet for max health and testosterone (not an expert so this is going to be more of a summary) The Basics: No junk food No added sugars No Processed foods Eliminate them COMPLETELY Eat only natural, organic and nutritional foods (as much as possible) Try to find an organic...
  5. Dagre

    Dagreus Reporting for Duty

    Done. created a guild
  6. Dagre

    Dagreus Reporting for Duty

    Can I create my own one?
  7. Dagre

    Dagreus Reporting for Duty

    what is the Order of Nihili? @Whitepill
  8. Dagre

    Dagreus Reporting for Duty

    oh damn
  9. Dagre

    Dagreus Reporting for Duty

    never underestimate
  10. Dagre

    Dagreus Reporting for Duty

    How long has this forum been running for?
  11. Dagre

    Dagreus Reporting for Duty

    Why not? Isn't it a capitalistic forum?
  12. Dagre

    Dagreus Reporting for Duty

    @ObLaDi ObLaDa is bout to climb the ranks here
  13. Dagre

    Dagreus Reporting for Duty

    wtf is happening here
  14. Dagre

    Dagreus Reporting for Duty

    Thanks broda , you too
  15. Dagre

    Dagreus Reporting for Duty

    Hello everyone I'm Dagreus, on my way to improving quality of life in all of its parts, including looxmaxing. Looks like a solid forum, excited.