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Search results

  1. R

    plastic surgery won't give u hunter eyes

    That's because men and women have a completely different view of sex. For men it's way more casual than for women.
  2. R

    Does chewing make my entire face wider?

    Also if anyone has tips for achieving hollow cheeks pls share them.
  3. R

    Does chewing make my entire face wider?

    Before you ask, i'm 15y.
  4. R

    Does chewing make my entire face wider?

    I'm biting my cheeks a little tho. I hope they get sunken naturally when i grow up🙏🏻
  5. R

    Does chewing make my entire face wider?

    I have somewhat wide head. I am trying to widen my jaw by chewing, but im worried that the chewing will make my midface even wider. Can i somehow train my jaw to only target the lower masseter muscle so only the actual jawline gets wider?
  6. R

    Discussion Quit smoking

    Thanks for the info, but I think smoking weed does also negatively affect sleep and stops bone growth so I'll be less developed at the end of my teenage years. Is that actually true or have i fallen for false information? Would be cool if you knew anything bout that.
  7. R

    I’m a 14 and a half (M) and 5’3. Any way i can increase my height????

    Killing yourself is the easy way out. Don't be a f*****g pussy. You have capabilities to change if you put in the hard work.
  8. R

    hey m new to the forum

    Good: thick eyebrows, sharp jawline, slim face, clear skin Bad: Shallow eye sockets, jaw too far behind, outward curved nose ridge, (Cant see eyes or cheekbones)
  9. R

    How does bonesmashing works?

    It is so easy to mess up. If you dont perform the same amount of pressure and accuracy on both sides of the face perfectly symmetrical it will make you look very asymmetrical. It can also damage the face tissue and the fracturing of the bone can result in inflammations. To how bone smashing...
  10. R

    Discussion Quit smoking

    I am 15 years old and have been smoking weed for around a year now. As I am getting more into looksmaxxing the more dedicated I get to it. Will quitting smoking improve my results?