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Guide An introduction to Ultrasound Cavitation, a way to potentially burn fat using Ultrasound and Radio frequencies. Worth reading affordable treatment DIY


Oct 2, 2023
Getting lean is a staple looksmax for all. Be it for getting a leaner face, becoming healthier or attaining a more aesthetic physique, it is a must do for all users here. Staying skinny-fat and not working out will do you know good and only hurt your chances of being perceived as an attractive male. Aside from using PED's, dieting and exercise to change your overall body comp, there are also ways to reduce fat locally, such as in your face or love handles using things like lipolysis injections or corticosteroids topically. I wouldn't recommend the topical route due to a bad safety profile.

This thread is an introduction to a new way of potentially burning fat locally without injections, making it a less invasive procedure and a possibly safer one. It is called Ultrasonic Cavitation. We will also be using Radio frequency in conjunction with this treatment. I will elaborate why.

Main course of action simplified

The main mechanism in UC is to send out ultrasonic waves to parts of the body/the targeted area. The energy transfer will mechanically destory fat cells in the area. RF however is different and will send out waves to heat up the fat cells, thermic energy will burn them and possibly increase collagen and elsatin in the cells which can both tighten the skin and reduce stretch marks. Will elaborate on this point later on. [1]

Benefits over other methods

This method is non-invasive while being able to target a treated area specifically. This treatment has also been shown to have a very good safety profile, if done properly, you wont even have to worry about getting bunk product. Not sure if it was true but I heard from some threads that the product someone used ( LemonBottle ) was found to have false ingredients being declared in the product. Once again I am not sure about this claim so DYOR.

Another advantage method has is it may be able to increase collagen as well [2] in the treated area. According to a study, the effects of the radiation can stimulate collagen synthesis as well as protein synthesis. There are 2 problems with this study however, they have stated that they used 3MHz strength of RF to induce the collagen-synthesizing effects. However cross checking with study [1] it is stated that treatments typically use from 0.5-1.5MHz only. DYOR on this claim. This study was also done "In vitro" meaning studies done on samples outside of the body and though still holds weight, is not a 100 percent reliable to use for reference to what will happen in a real life scenario.

Note : Study [1] itself used 4Mhz

Minimal side effects that include temporary swelling, redness etc.


Setup + How to use


You firstly want to get yourself a machine that is made to emit these ultrasonic waves. Make sure the machine is both high quality and emits more than 1Mhz or in the range of what is proven to work to burn the fat cells. You can buy devices that both emit ultrasonic waves and infrared waves (RF) which is ideal.


An example from a local market in my country. This is not ideal however as it only emits 1Mhz, I recommend 2-4Mhz with adjustable RF emmision high enough to heat skin.

You will also need a high quality accurate thermometer to measure the temperature of skin. Just look up non-contact infrared digital thermometer. This step is essential if you want the best results with the most scientific methods



Start with the ultra-cavitation process first. I recommend a strength of 2-4 Mhz for the best results. Expose the target area to the ultrasonic waves for 5-15 minutes. I recommend 15.

This should be simple enough. You can then move on the radio frequency part. You want to adjust the emmision of RF and expose to skin. Study used 650Khz. Wait until the skin has reached a high temparature of 40 degrees celcius and then hold that emmision down for around 10-15 minutes.

That is all. That will be your routine, an hour out of your day to sculpt your body. I recommend doing this once every 5-7 days.



Note : I am on heavy medication right now as I have a terrible fever, flu, cough and an inflammed throat. I may have made some mistakes I have overlooked if that's the case then do know it is not out of malicous intent or because I am simply trying to make stuff up. The propose routine was based off the studies conducted. Many beaty spa's and such do this treatment too but they use low dosages and emmisions and so their treaments are not only less effective but also not scientific. Read the studies and DYOR.
first post by you :]
read everything , this is potentially a very good idea , sticked
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #5
Interesting, bookmarked
Do you think it can treat gyno, bc when I search it up, some say yes some say no.
Unfortunately gyno has harder tissue than normal fat globules. I don't think ultrasound + RF therapy could potentially alleviate gyno.

Only pharmacological intervention would be to take something like Tamoxifen ( SERM ) to counter-act gyno when it is still in formation.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #6
Sounds as cope tbh, but worth a try

Good thread thought.

Figure 3 presents the perimetry and verified that in the comparison between the groups, there was a significant difference between the final evaluation in the UCV group (p=0.02) and the UCV+RF (p=0.02) when compared to the control group.

Figure 4 shows the distribution of infraumbilical adipose tissue through ultrasonography in the left lateral region. Greater decrease of the adipose tissue was observed in the UCV+RF group when compared to the control (p=0.02) and when compared to the UCV group (p=0.01).

Figure 5 shows the distribution of infraumbilical adipose tissue through ultrasonography on the right side. It was observed that in the UCV+RF group, there was a greater decrease in the adipose tissue when compared to control (p=0.04) and when compared to the UCV group (p=0.04).



Results in the photo was not achieved using 1to1 in the guide I provided but my method should actually yield even better results as I am using high frequencies as tested in research applications.
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