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Are women sexually attracted to ordinary men?


Well-known member
Established Member
Aug 15, 2023
Like if a man looked like this how many women would fap to this man:


I was always under the impression where male and female relationships were imbalanced. Women unattracted to most men. For instance Scarface was an incel until he got rich.

From personal experience most of the women I met only fapped to lesbian porn or yaoi (anime men). I don't recall ever meeting a woman who fapped to gay porn with ordinary looking men. Most of the women I met only seem attracted to famous superstars like Johnny depp or rock or country singers. I read online that 50% of women are unable to achieve orgasm with their male partner, which is dystopian.

Its been years since I been laid or even had decent living standards. At night I used to pray to a god (that I had contempt for) to make me die in my sleep. Now I realize that was stupid to ask. Suicide is bad because you might reincarnate into this world. You don't want to reincarnate as a man, lonely or full of unsatisfied lust. Nor a woman, surrounded by thirsty men she isn't attracted to.
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Short answer no
I am wondering how does a male maintain sexual attraction to heterosexual women in this culture. Because what about incel energy? For example if someone reads some blackpill content online. For example, online websites that sell things, know that 90% of consumers are women, so they make provocative lingerie advertisements to cater to female AGP. And how does someone with blackpill maintain attraction to heterosexual women? Someone might get attracted to the women in lingerie advertisements, but then strong blackpill and incel energy makes them lose attraction, because they know the attraction is not reciprocated. And perhaps the reduction of male arousal is a good thing, because without any expectations in the first place, you cannot feel let down.

For example, I thought of a woman doing a sexy dance on me IRL, but then 15 seconds later I began to wonder, "what's the catch" or "this does not compute". Like it feels unnatural that a heterosexual woman would do that IRL, and thus does not fit suspension of disbelief. Like as a male I feel I have no sexual value to society and my only sexual value as a human being is an ATM, women just see me as a walking ATM. The only time I could get aroused is if I was a femboy being chased by a bisexual woman.

Then I had a dream. It was a long dream with a complex storyline to it, but one part of the dream I met a bunch of transgender mtfs, and they were naked, and I felt sexually whole around them. Like it wasn't a wet dream, I didn't have a full on boner, but I just felt sexually comfortable, I didn't feel nervous incel energy or sexually inadequate like I do around heterosexual cis women. In the dream it was a whole society of only transgender mtfs, located in an underground base, like some militia, similar vibes to the Rebel Alliance from star wars. When I woke up I realized that trans will create a utopian society, because the alternative is to feel like a walking ATM around heterosexual women, with unrequited love.

A society cannot really function ideally when most males lack self worth, when love is only one way and not really reciprocated. A transbian society will achieve a true utopian and functional society. Ideally, there would be more transgenders in third world countries than first world countries, because you want their to be more population in first world countries than third world countries. Additionally, humans will reproduce and create children even if they are destitute and in poverty, because humans are idiots. Ideally a male older than 21 should only reproduce and try to create a family if they make 30K annual income or above, otherwise you should just transition. The problem with transition though, is HRT is low-tech technology, if a male is older than 21 it might give subpar results. If a Chad is in a relationship with an attractive female then they might only need to make 15K annual income or above, because their offspring might not have incel genetics, but there is a good chance their offspring still might look like an incel, so they should try to have anal and oral sex only.
Like if a man looked like this how many women would fap to this man:

View attachment 22918

I was always under the impression where male and female relationships were imbalanced. Women unattracted to most men. For instance Scarface was an incel until he got rich.

From personal experience most of the women I met only fapped to lesbian porn or yaoi (anime men). I don't recall ever meeting a woman who fapped to gay porn with ordinary looking men. Most of the women I met only seem attracted to famous superstars like Johnny depp or rock or country singers. I read online that 50% of women are unable to achieve orgasm with their male partner, which is dystopian.

Its been years since I been laid or even had decent living standards. At night I used to pray to a god (that I had contempt for) to make me die in my sleep. Now I realize that was stupid to ask. Suicide is bad because you might reincarnate into this world. You don't want to reincarnate as a man, lonely or full of unsatisfied lust. Nor a woman, surrounded by thirsty men she isn't attracted to.
You have a point, but in short my answer is that most of the women who have a crush on a celebrity, dream about him or even fap to him, end up with a guy way below their standars. Look around you, many women who are 5-7/10 end up with a guy like this in the pictures. They may not feel so sexually attracted to them, but they marry them and have kids with them. Personally, i know a lot of ugly 2-4/10 man who are married with a woman who is 6-8/10.
I am wondering how does a male maintain sexual attraction to heterosexual women in this culture. Because what about incel energy? For example if someone reads some blackpill content online. For example, online websites that sell things, know that 90% of consumers are women, so they make provocative lingerie advertisements to cater to female AGP. And how does someone with blackpill maintain attraction to heterosexual women? Someone might get attracted to the women in lingerie advertisements, but then strong blackpill and incel energy makes them lose attraction, because they know the attraction is not reciprocated. And perhaps the reduction of male arousal is a good thing, because without any expectations in the first place, you cannot feel let down.

For example, I thought of a woman doing a sexy dance on me IRL, but then 15 seconds later I began to wonder, "what's the catch" or "this does not compute". Like it feels unnatural that a heterosexual woman would do that IRL, and thus does not fit suspension of disbelief. Like as a male I feel I have no sexual value to society and my only sexual value as a human being is an ATM, women just see me as a walking ATM. The only time I could get aroused is if I was a femboy being chased by a bisexual woman.

Then I had a dream. It was a long dream with a complex storyline to it, but one part of the dream I met a bunch of transgender mtfs, and they were naked, and I felt sexually whole around them. Like it wasn't a wet dream, I didn't have a full on boner, but I just felt sexually comfortable, I didn't feel nervous incel energy or sexually inadequate like I do around heterosexual cis women. In the dream it was a whole society of only transgender mtfs, located in an underground base, like some militia, similar vibes to the Rebel Alliance from star wars. When I woke up I realized that trans will create a utopian society, because the alternative is to feel like a walking ATM around heterosexual women, with unrequited love.

A society cannot really function ideally when most males lack self worth, when love is only one way and not really reciprocated. A transbian society will achieve a true utopian and functional society. Ideally, there would be more transgenders in third world countries than first world countries, because you want their to be more population in first world countries than third world countries. Additionally, humans will reproduce and create children even if they are destitute and in poverty, because humans are idiots. Ideally a male older than 21 should only reproduce and try to create a family if they make 30K annual income or above, otherwise you should just transition. The problem with transition though, is HRT is low-tech technology, if a male is older than 21 it might give subpar results. If a Chad is in a relationship with an attractive female then they might only need to make 15K annual income or above, because their offspring might not have incel genetics, but there is a good chance their offspring still might look like an incel, so they should try to have anal and oral sex only.
As i see you know things about sexuallity. I think im straight, i like women, i have a crush on women, but if i watch trans porn, i still can beat my meat like nothing is wrong , and more, i find it attractive but only if the trans woman is feminine as a women, otherwise i dont find this attractive. Is this gay ?
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As i see you know things about sexuallity. I think im straight, i like women, i have a crush on women, but if i watch trans porn, i still can beat my meat like nothing is wrong , and more, i find it attractive but only if the trans woman is feminine as a women, otherwise i dont find this attractive. Is this gay ?
no because secondary sexual characteristiscs. you are attracted to primary sexual characteristics (penis) but secondary sexual characteristics (feminine appearance.)

Secondary sexual charactisteristics are random and dependent on environmental factors of evolution. For example, female bears have a secondary sexual characteristic of being more aggressive than male bears. But in the course of human evolution, human males have usually become more aggressive. For example, female hyenas have a vagina that looks like a penis and they dominate the male hyenas. This is preferable to lions because in lion culture, only 1 male lion ever gets laid and the other male lions become gays, like an extreme hypergamy culture. Everytime I see somebody use a Lion as a cultural symbol I laugh a little because they probably do not know this.
As i see you know things about sexuallity. I think im straight, i like women, i have a crush on women, but if i watch trans porn, i still can beat my meat like nothing is wrong , and more, i find it attractive but only if the trans woman is feminine as a women, otherwise i dont find this attractive. Is this gay ?
no because trans women are still women
Lowkey but still remember they were a guy at one point like I wouldn’t care but I wouldn’t want it but they still could be good looking shit I think that’s gay tbh man idek
I am wondering how does a male maintain sexual attraction to heterosexual women in this culture. Because what about incel energy? For example if someone reads some blackpill content online. For example, online websites that sell things, know that 90% of consumers are women, so they make provocative lingerie advertisements to cater to female AGP. And how does someone with blackpill maintain attraction to heterosexual women? Someone might get attracted to the women in lingerie advertisements, but then strong blackpill and incel energy makes them lose attraction, because they know the attraction is not reciprocated. And perhaps the reduction of male arousal is a good thing, because without any expectations in the first place, you cannot feel let down.

For example, I thought of a woman doing a sexy dance on me IRL, but then 15 seconds later I began to wonder, "what's the catch" or "this does not compute". Like it feels unnatural that a heterosexual woman would do that IRL, and thus does not fit suspension of disbelief. Like as a male I feel I have no sexual value to society and my only sexual value as a human being is an ATM, women just see me as a walking ATM. The only time I could get aroused is if I was a femboy being chased by a bisexual woman.

Then I had a dream. It was a long dream with a complex storyline to it, but one part of the dream I met a bunch of transgender mtfs, and they were naked, and I felt sexually whole around them. Like it wasn't a wet dream, I didn't have a full on boner, but I just felt sexually comfortable, I didn't feel nervous incel energy or sexually inadequate like I do around heterosexual cis women. In the dream it was a whole society of only transgender mtfs, located in an underground base, like some militia, similar vibes to the Rebel Alliance from star wars. When I woke up I realized that trans will create a utopian society, because the alternative is to feel like a walking ATM around heterosexual women, with unrequited love.

A society cannot really function ideally when most males lack self worth, when love is only one way and not really reciprocated. A transbian society will achieve a true utopian and functional society. Ideally, there would be more transgenders in third world countries than first world countries, because you want their to be more population in first world countries than third world countries. Additionally, humans will reproduce and create children even if they are destitute and in poverty, because humans are idiots. Ideally a male older than 21 should only reproduce and try to create a family if they make 30K annual income or above, otherwise you should just transition. The problem with transition though, is HRT is low-tech technology, if a male is older than 21 it might give subpar results. If a Chad is in a relationship with an attractive female then they might only need to make 15K annual income or above, because their offspring might not have incel genetics, but there is a good chance their offspring still might look like an incel, so they should try to have anal and oral sex only.
you can't control your nature
women need to select partners wisely while men can just get horny to any woman who isn't deformed because naturally it's supposed to be pump and dump and then move on to the next woman
come back we miss you :(

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